Example sentences of "[noun sg] left [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the entire episode left the party looking damaged and fragile .
2 By the time Pink left the Embassy , worried now as to whether he was fit to drive , a Major who dealt only with Intelligence matters was preparing a report to send to Baghdad .
3 This in effect left the UK and USA , together with other supporters of eventual exploitation such as Saudi Arabia and South Africa , in an untenable position , with a majority of the Treaty 's 26 voting members in favour of a ban .
4 This in effect left the UK and USA , together with other supporters of eventual exploitation such as Saudi Arabia and South Africa , in an untenable position , with a majority of the Treaty 's voting members in favour of a ban .
5 The boat left a wake that rocked the long drifts of dead leaves on the water and slapped against the quay below them .
6 The flying boat left the African coast and landed by the depot ship .
7 Dudley Clarke had been the only casualty , hit in the ear , which had been sewn back in place by a petty officer as the boat left the beach .
8 At the close of the fishing season , the fishing folks always sang as the boat left the Stronsay pier and to hear the song , We 're no away to bide a while , always brings back memories .
9 A FAMILY wiped out in the air tragedy left a poignant message behind .
10 For the anarchists , the POUM and sections of the Socialist left the social revolution within the Republican zone had become the chief reason for fighting fascism and , indeed , the only basis upon which workers and poor peasants could be expected to fight it .
11 It was known that the financial controls within the industry left a good deal to be desired , but when the new Minister of Fuel and Power , Aubrey Jones , tried to tighten up in 1956 ( even beginning the publication of annual investment targets in a bid to increase the Boards ' commitment to them ) , he found it was not easy to impose such discipline when his target was fixed unreasonably low , as the Boards assured him it was .
12 One soldier left a lovely silver buckle .
13 The June 5 vote left the way open for the government to drop the claim .
14 As the ambulance left the scene , neighbours , who had been kept shut in their houses for two days , began to emerge into the sunshine .
15 But Kenny Brown 's reply left a bitter taste in their mouths .
16 The result left the South Africans with only four points from six games and no chance of making Saturday 's final .
17 Whilst Sarah Hare left a perfect template for a gentlewoman 's funeral , Hannah Deane of High Ongar , Essex , went even further when it came to the specification for her coffin .
18 Thus Old Den left the scene of his many triumphs on the shoulders of his son and his friends , leaving behind him on the bar fond memories of countless great nights of debates , discussion and song , echoed now in the keening of the women from their seats in the corner .
19 The punch merely turned Gharr 's head slightly away , while one ring left a tiny cut in his jaw-line .
20 The implementation of the rationalisation programme left a lasting impression on Finniston which was to influence his future operating style .
21 More immediately , according to his biographer , Izaak Walton , he was persuaded by his landlady during this visit to London that he was a man of tender constitution who needed a wife to prolong his life and make it more comfortable ; because of his modesty and dim sight , Hooker left the choice to her , and soon found himself married to her daughter .
22 Then Paul Rideout 's cynical backheel at Darren Peacock 's head on the stroke of half-time left the Merseysiders with only nine men in the second half .
23 There were thus two possibilities : Either we are in a region of the universe in which strong sources are less frequent than the average ; or the density of sources was higher in the past , when the light left the more distant sources on its journey toward us .
24 On the floor , the pamments , or great clay tiles , have been relaid over insulation Left The fireplace decoration in the kitchen chamber , now Timothy 's studio , differs from that in the other rooms .
25 As Holy Communion was by tradition the first food and drink of the day , the tea left a feeling of guilt for I was told never to tell anyone although I expect it was a common practice amongst lady communicants .
26 I was only telling a colleague of yours today that the investigation into Mills ’ murder left a lot to be desired . ’
27 The revolutionary had to spread , methods of teaching had to be discovered — Ponce left no record of his technique — and teachers found .
28 ‘ By the way , Oak , ’ said Mr Boldwood quietly , as he and the shepherd left the malthouse together , ‘ could you tell me whose writing this is ? ’
29 A £1m loss on the sale of a quoted investment left an extraordinary credit of £3.79m .
30 However , only Sally knew where the bridleway left the reservoir and headed to the pub , so she ensured she was in the lead at that point , and then promptly declared her race over as she would not risk galloping the remaining mile of road .
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