Example sentences of "[noun sg] may see " in BNC.

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1 The pure economist may see himself or herself as occupying a different space from that of the applied economist ; the ‘ scholarly ’ critic from the ‘ responsive ’ one ; the ‘ objective ’ social researcher from the ‘ interpretative ’ one ; the doctor who ‘ delivers ’ health care from the one who ‘ responds ’ to his or her patients .
2 That is why we put forward our amendment and hope against all hope that Labour may see the light and vote with us on our amendment .
3 Thus , while a Luxembourger , an Irishman , a Dutchman or a Belgian may see a European superstate as giving them a much larger stage on which to perform and one that would cost them nothing in sovereignty since what they have is already so diluted , to us it would mean the end of that independence which has allowed us to play a unique and continuing role in world affairs and to have this Gracious Speech setting out our parliamentary programme .
4 In return the club may see a return to even greater loyal support .
5 Drinkers at a new pub may see more than pink elephants hovering overhead if they have one too many this weekend .
6 The couple themselves may find it no problem , but Grandpa or Auntie may see it differently .
7 It is tempting to see these works as belonging to a formidable and sustained effort to return the history of science to where it was before it was invaded by what Hall may see as sociologizing and ‘ hermeticizing ’ interlopers .
8 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
9 A mosquito may see the scent of our bodies and be attracted thereby .
10 Thus only a parent may see information on the record concerning the pupil 's racial group , language or religion , and only a parent may see a statement of special educational needs ( under the Education Act 1981 — see Chapter 4 ) or results of the pupil 's assessment .
11 Thus only a parent may see information on the record concerning the pupil 's racial group , language or religion , and only a parent may see a statement of special educational needs ( under the Education Act 1981 — see Chapter 4 ) or results of the pupil 's assessment .
12 All the stages that Weiser finds of ‘ advance in personal knowledge ’ , a ‘ basic transition ’ here , a ‘ discovery ’ there , one which ‘ begins to dissolve ’ the speaker 's ‘ coherent identity ’ ( a development which the sceptic may see as a rationale for the failure of an analytical method ) — stages of awareness that lead to a final collapse : all this seems to me fictitious , revealing the critic 's categories rather than the poet 's .
13 The administration and the external political and administrative establishment may see participation as a political end in itself , as well as a means to building coalitions for the political good of their establishment .
14 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
15 More and more departments using RBL as a method of instruction may see personal or group projects as a valid and worthwhile means of extension study on a personal level .
16 A light prism gives a practical example of how the same object viewed from different standpoints gives different images : one person may see only white light while others see all the colours of the rainbow , yet both perceptions are true to reality and not figments of distorted imagination .
17 It is important to recognise that whilst the UK business economy may see a recovery in 1992 , the adverse effects of the current recession on the consumer market will continue to be felt long after the economy has begun to recover .
18 It is preferable to smack the dog with your hand rather than use a rolled-up newspaper which the dog may see as an extension of the game , especially if it gets excited and a tug-of-war ensues .
19 A ward sister may perceive the student who spends a lot of time chatting to a particular patient as wasting her time when there is work to do , whilst the student may see herself as legitimately practising her ‘ social interaction skills ’ , and attending to the psychological needs of the patient .
20 Raising his eyes from his mutton , the owner may see inscribed upon his own horizon the acceptable difference between the rich and the poor .
21 Your lordship may see the print of my affection scored across the back of his left hand and wrist , if you care to make him hand you his manor roll tomorrow .
22 From time to time however there were vivid flashes of US policy-making which suggested that Indo-China was regarded as a means to an end , rather than an end in itself ; and those of a philosophical disposition may see this as the flaw which turned idealism into tragedy .
23 Apart from the numerous psycho-sexual problems which afflict humanity , the man may see himself and be regarded by society as having reached a stage of decline ; dissatisfaction with career may culminate in the forties with the realisation that he has reached the end of progress in this respect ; and so on .
24 And when he bows , ‘ t is that the World may see
25 If a pet cat has access to the garage where someone has been filling the car 's radiator system with antifreeze at the onset of winter , the animal may see a small puddle on the garage floor , where some has spilled .
26 Moreover , if bad management is perceived by the stock market , share prices will be lower than they might have been and a takeover raider may see an opportunity to buy up the company , install a better management , improve profits , and hence make capital gains when share prices subsequently rise .
27 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
28 The social worker may see these as lying in the desirability of continued pregnancy or otherwise ; in care of the child after birth ; in marriage , if this is contemplated for a later date , too early in life — or if no marriage is contemplated , in her later support and that of her child ; possibly in the girl 's continued promiscuity ; perhaps , if the girl is in the social worker 's care already , in matters of professional reputation .
29 A police officer may see a person driving a motor vehicle , who he knows to be disqualified but is not in a position to stop the driver .
30 It has several aspects , including : ( a ) the range of options offered to the teacher is crucial in fitting the program to his style and enabling him to contribute effectively , but too many will be confusing ( b ) the designer may see a whole range of possible extensions to the teaching possibilities of the program : the lengthy development process of all good teaching units makes such extensions attractive but trying to include them in one program will tend to make it difficult to ‘ see through ’ and to use ( c ) the desire for compatibility with different hardware configurations often inspires programming constraints that can be severe ; conversely , programs that fully exploit the facilities of a particular microcomputer are likely to be difficult to transfer .
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