Example sentences of "[noun sg] she almost " in BNC.

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1 By the time Robert Forbes was introduced to Lorna Lewis he was free , rich and forty-one ; his hair had turned almost completely white and he was the perfect partner for a beautiful actress , eighteen years old , who was so full of ambition she almost trembled with it .
2 When Philippa arrived outside the pub she almost felt ashamed of her approval and excitement and admiration of the evening before .
3 Olive had been expecting so many horrors that hearing the question she almost laughed with relief .
4 She went towards the house to say goodbye to Stella , and as she turned the corner of the building she almost collided with Luke .
5 But as Ruth came out of the basement , all she was struck by , quite irrelevantly , was his likeness to Jake ; for an instant she almost thought it was Jake , standing there .
6 For a moment she almost hated him .
7 For a moment she almost pitied the police , who would not find it easy to get a straight tale from any of its members .
8 For a moment she almost lied to him and told him he had brought her nothing .
9 For a weak moment she almost relented .
10 The news that she had in fact been successful in her interview went a very long way to ease her bruised feelings — so much so that when the day dawned when she was to start her new job she almost forgot to pull her hair back into a screwed-up knot , and to don her glasses .
11 It was laughable , really , but when she looked back on her nervous apprehension regarding his overwhelming sexual magnetism she almost felt like weeping with frustration .
12 As Bernice entered the refectory she almost bumped into the Doctor .
13 For the first time she almost seemed to see her father .
14 Despite the blistering heat she almost ran along the towpath .
15 In fact she almost expected them to accuse her of causing the conscience-prodding dip into their pockets .
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