Example sentences of "[noun sg] and along " in BNC.

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1 Now , if any of you get terribly tense at the back of shoulders which we all seem to do nowadays , if you come for just a back and shoulder massage , we actually work on the back of the neck and along the shoulders using massage movements which helps to relax you , which helps to actually break down the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles that causes you pain .
2 The knights had forced their way through the gap and along the wall to the steps leading to the parapet above the main gate .
3 This rim is marked off from the rest of the cranium by a groove or postoccipital sulcus which ends at the posterior tentorial pit on either side and along which are inserted the dorsal prothoracic muscles moving the head .
4 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
5 by means of water carriage a more extensive market is opened to every sort of industry than what land carriage alone can afford it , so it is upon the sea coast and along the banks of navigable rivers that industry of every kind naturally begins to subdivide and improve itself .
6 Yesterday evening I went through the village and along the road leading to the village that had been attacked on the evening of the 12th June .
7 Wander through the village and along the lakeside promenade , and you come to the small Schafbergbahn railway , which winds its way to the top of the Schafberg mountain behind the village .
8 In turn , the gravels are themselves overlain by alluvial silty uniform sands around the junction with A8 and by lacustrine silty clay , peat and silt , associated with the former Gogar Loch , around the Gogar Burn and along South Gyle Broadway , and special measures had to be taken during the construction of embankments in these areas in order to avoid over-stressing the sub-strata and to accelerate the anticipated settlements .
9 On one December Saturday , Hannah sat in the Craven Herald Bookshop in Skipton and people queued through the premises , out of the door , down an alleyway and along the High Street .
10 He ran out of the inn and along the road .
11 We ran from the inn and along the road to the village .
12 The abbey site is approached through a gate in a country lane and along a grassy track .
13 A meander through Becket 's Park and along the riverside in the town centre .
14 The route taken to the abbey was through the Circeo National Park and along the scenic coastal road next to the Tyrrhenian sea .
15 Windsfield and along that way to get to Bloxwich is n't it , and of course it used to , as I say it was an event , and the kids used to , we used to and then the lamplighter used to come round , pushing his pole , no electric lamps then , he used to come round .
16 She neither gave him an answer nor waited for more reaction , but turned swiftly up the stairs and through the kitchen and along the corridor where , without knocking , she burst into Jessie 's room .
17 With this thought in mind , Beth went from the kitchen and along the landing , then up the stairs towards her room .
18 She flung herself out of the kitchen and along the passage .
19 He guided Alexandra out of the kitchen and along a passage so dark that if it had not been for his hand on her elbow , she would not have known where she was going .
20 After half a mile he decided to turn off the embankment and walk up the side of the next field and along the path at the top of it , following the horses whom he could still see in the distance .
21 Then he hurried back through the wood , down the field and along the road past the stream .
22 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
23 Lay the curtain out flat with the interlining uppermost and apply the hemmed lining to it in the same way as for Lined Curtains , but lockstitching along the same lines as the interlining and along all seams .
24 It is a ten-minute ride to the road , first on a narrow path along the side of a field of parched maize and groundnuts , then down across the stream , up the smooth rounded granite and along the top , passing by my neighbour 's home , down round her fields under the trees and up to the tarred road .
25 Then Emmie helped him out of the skip and along the railway ; he clutched her with one hand and held Murgatroyd with the other .
26 I sail up the hill and along Hyde Hill Lane as if I were a balloon .
27 They went on with this banter as they drove down the hill and along the road to the beach .
28 I felt quite pleased with myself , I must say , treading the soft crimson carpet that cascaded everywhere , down the marble staircase , across the marble foyer and along the marble corridors .
29 In the Ross Sea similar forces develop a counter-clockwise circulation , causing the piling-up of pack ice off the northeastern corner of the bight and along the West Antarctica coast .
30 One of the men now rushed from the room and along a passage to some stairs .
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