Example sentences of "[noun sg] also suggest " in BNC.

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1 Bernstein also suggests that students are encouraged to make an identification with their chosen subject and to form a disdain for other forms of knowledge .
2 On the other hand , we would add that the lesson of Hegel 's , Marx 's , and Sartre 's attempt also suggests that history can not be coherently essentialist and teleological either .
3 But the musical analogy also suggests that the picture of the teacher giving an interpretation of his or her own research is likely to reduce the chances of an independent viewpoint being brought to bear .
4 A 1986 report from the British Medical Association also suggested that universal screening is ‘ probably not justified ’ , and that it could ‘ alarm some elderly people unnecessarily . ’
5 This study also suggested that the maximum number of shares suggested by Evans and Archer should in fact be regarded as the minimum .
6 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
7 The study also suggests that there may be even more far-reaching effects of low fares .
8 The AA Foundation study also suggests that car radio/cassette players should be designed to be as automatic as possible , and sold with an information leaflet highlighting the possible influences of music on driving .
9 The study also suggests that priority ought to be given to research which synthesises available evidence and arguments about key aspects of welfare policy , including the unit of assessment for the purposes of tax and social security , personal freedom and preventive health measures and the social responsibility for dependants .
10 But the existence of this gap also suggests one reason for the influence on the functionalist style in public law of a domestic form of evolutionary social theory which is not an obvious bedfellow of utilitarianism .
11 Mahathir also suggested that ASEAN leaders should meet more often as a group .
12 Research also suggests it discourages some people from re-offending .
13 The dictionary entry also suggests that the term " Islam " was new to English-speaking culture at this time , and prompts you to look up other words , including " musselman " and " mohammedan " ; reading the entries on these words will give you further clues relating to the representation of Islam in English-speaking cultures , and so further material for your argument .
14 But , as this figure also suggests , this is in fact a view which accepts dominant ( white , middle class ) views as to what constitute a city 's back or front regions .
15 Blumler also suggested that parliamentary television was markedly bipartisan , paying relatively little attention to the Liberal Democrats and Members of other smaller parties , but analysis of the actuality contributions of various participants shows that they received more than their proportionate strength in the House ; Liberal Democrats were given 4.3% of total actuality contributions and took part on 7.8% of contribution occasions .
16 Comparisons between the public and private sector also suggest that the question of incentives is more complex than it may seem from models such as Niskanen 's .
17 Nikolayeva adopts an orchestral approach in some pieces , ( eg. the C sharp minor Fugue [ Book Two ] , where the intensity and unyielding rhythm make a strong impression ) , but her tonal range also suggests the organ ( E flat minor Prelude , Book One ) , a choir ( B flat minor Prelude , Book One ) , a trumpet ( D major Prelude , Book Two ) , and a violin ( B flat minor Prelude , Book One ) .
18 Abelson also suggests that fax machines aid the establishment and working of ‘ invisible colleges ’ .
19 The Bible also suggests the need to work at keeping the unity in the bond of peace .
20 Therapsid fossil distribution also suggests a temperate , moist climate at higher palaeolatitudes in Pangea .
21 The human resources director of a large UK wines and spirits business also suggested that once total costs were taken into account , it could be argued that headhunters were not necessarily more expensive than using home-grown methods .
22 Glupczynski and Burette in their recent review article also suggest that combination therapy of a bismuth salt and an antiobiotic , or two different antibiotics alone , will improve the eradiation rate of H pylori and reduce the risk of resistance development .
23 Kay 's article also suggests , however , that it is now time to consider regulating the conduct of doctors who repeatedly fail to maintain adequate professional standards .
24 Sibomana also suggested Libyan involvement .
25 The conference also suggested that the standard requisitions on title be amended to include a reference to whether a seller 's solicitor was also acting for the lender in the redemption of the mortgage .
26 However , American experience also suggests that this awareness may remain rather abstract : relatively few people become able to translate differences in APR into differences in the money cost of credit .
27 The independent philosophies of system design in the Merseyside & North Wales and London Boards and the fast movement to a two-tier rather than three-tier management devolution in the latter Board also suggest that the drive to standardise did not significantly constrain local initiative where local conditions were thought to require a less orthodox approach .
28 Ward 's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence .
29 The Chairman also suggested that the membership could publish papers .
30 John 's case also suggests how the perceptions of those professionals involved at an early stage of an assessment and the actions that follow may influence , direct or constrain the later perceptions and actions of other professionals .
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