Example sentences of "[noun sg] also include " in BNC.

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1 However , this chapter also includes other aspects of mental health including the affective disorders such as anxiety and depression and less clinically defined dimensions of mental health .
2 For this reason , this chapter also includes full-scale models of monsters and other odd creatures ; at the level of design there is often no difference at all , though there may well be when it comes to turning design into physical form .
3 It would , of course , under this wider conception also include " instrumental presuppositions " as well as the more abstracted philosophical discussions already mentioned .
4 The term also includes all copies of any part of the software as well as the User 's Guide contained in this package .
5 The pamphlet also includes a checklist for parents with three quarters of the items relating to people and relationships , with few items concerned with facilities or materials .
6 The same piece of rock also includes internal moulds of gastropods and bivalves .
7 1986 ) and one study also included interviews with children ( Fisher et al . ,
8 Our study also included observation of a branch of Young Socialists .
9 The offering also include 875,000 shares that will be offered to the company 's senior management executives .
10 In the case of classical savings ( ) , the steady-state condition also includes the term , and this brings out a significant point .
11 John Rutter 's Requiem will be performed with instrumental soloists from the region , and the programme also includes three other choral works from different periods , starting with a motet by Bach , a brief choral song by Faure and music by Rachmaninov .
12 The programme also includes plans to reforest outlying areas of the city .
13 The government 's latest programme also included an end to the indexation of wages to inflation , and a cut in the average import tariff from 22 per cent to 9.4 per cent , designed to improve the productivity and competitiveness of local industry .
14 The programme also included the Polovtsian dances from Prince Igor , for which a backcloth was needed .
15 The programme also included drill sites on the Anton Dohrn Seamount and Rosemary Bank .
16 The programme also included some reference to school visits and exchanges , the advisory service and some experimentation with computer assisted language learning .
17 The programme also included information on choke and valve designs for the various types of pressure ranges used on production trees .
18 The programme also included Beethoven 's Eighth Symphony , and works by Mendelssohn and Rossini .
19 Health Action also includes details of useful resources including publications and training courses .
20 The deal also includes associated production equipment at Alma 's Keillers plant , which will be moved into one of Cadbury 's Trebor Bassett factories , and the small Angus plant in Dundee which makes chocolate-covered nuts and raisins .
21 The deal also included provisions for royalties to be paid on box-office takings and a guarantee that the film would not be released before the stage show dosed or 20 June 1971 , whichever was the earlier .
22 The accord also included agreement to ‘ foster stability of exchange rates around current levels ’ .
23 On July 16 Israel and the seven-member European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) initialled an agreement intended to introduce free trade in industrial and processed farm goods , fish and marine products from Jan. 1 , 1993 ; the accord also included clauses on intellectual property — rights , public procurement , state monopolies and state aid .
24 The delegation also included a Deputy Prime Minister , Pavel Rychetsky , the federal ministers of Foreign Trade , Labour and Social Affairs , and the Czech and Slovak minsters of industry .
25 His vision of the future also included a reduction in university support services for authors ; fewer editors working on more books ; cheaper typesetting and data processing costs ; significantly reduced print runs ( ‘ I expect 50 copies will be considered a large run for some titles ’ ) ; electronic customer catalogues ; improved customer service ; a merging of the jobs of copy editor , designer and production controller ; and dramatically improved distribution ( ‘ the 10 minute book run off locally in the shop could soon be a reality ’ ) .
26 The bid also includes a leisure park and 140 homes at Queen 's Park , as well improvements to the Portrack and Tilery areas .
27 Situated on a cliff top above the harbour , the complex also includes the Casino and a luxurious air-conditioned cinema .
28 The indoor section of Chimp World has been open to visitors for some time , but the full complex also includes new outdoor accommodation .
29 The Kozloduy complex also includes two more modern 1,000-megawatt units .
30 His itinerary also included an official visit to Canada .
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