Example sentences of "[noun sg] now lie " in BNC.

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1 The struggle for the succession now lay more narrowly between Kikuyu claimants and Vice-president Moi .
2 Although the pond now lies under the garden and the road , it is still possible to trace the mill 's tail race as it flows to meet the stream in the gardens of Westbury Court .
3 The village now lies beneath the lakes created in the 18th Century by Capability Brown as part of a grand landscape scheme .
4 The Group 's main focus of development work now lies in the improvement and integration of the world , EEC and UK national models into a coherent system .
5 Instead , and linked with the Secretary of State 's easing — at the same period — in the number of attainment targets in mathematics and science , the reduction in subject compulsions created an uneasy vagueness about where the boundaries of new management now lay .
6 The wreckage of the gantry now lies in a dry dock .
7 His body now lay rotting under the cold grey slabs of an abbey , his strong rule was gone and , throughout the castle , nobles gathering for the council plotted and intrigued .
8 The occupant of the tense body now lying obscurely and privately in the dark bedroom of a crumbling Victorian house in Spadina Road , s.w.23 ?
9 An action in rem now lay against the trustee , where earlier law had allowed only an action in personam .
10 Britain 's importance now lies in being part of one of the world 's great trading blocs , the European Community
11 Britain 's importance now lies in being part of one of the world 's great trading blocs , the European Community , not as the ever-dependable ally of the Reagan and Bush years .
12 The onus now lay upon the architect to come up with new designs and new ideas with which to counter the rapidly growing effectiveness of artillery aided , from about 1430 , by the reversion to the use of cast-iron shot which , although more expensive than stone shot , did not shatter on impact , could be made more uniformly in greater quantities ( the making of stone shot was , to say the least , laborious ) and in smaller calibre , thereby increasing efficiency by reducing the need for very large and unwieldy cannon .
13 His one hope now lay with Philip and he went to visit him in Paris , the traditional move for all discontented sons of Henry Ii .
14 He prodded the saucer , where the coin now lay in a swirl of green colour .
15 And he looked at McAllister sitting primly before him , hands in her lap , the face beneath the lace cap so enchanting that Angela Macleod , née Deverill , and all her works , flew away forever , and he knew again where his heart now lay .
16 All responsibility now lay with the West .
17 In Britain the major contribution to consumer protection now lies in :
18 In this context , the youngster must come to terms with his or her changing and changed body ; must try out the precepts , attitudes and ideals of childhood against the demands of the transitional and later groups among which existence now lies ; must establish himself or herself as an individual with rights and responsibilities and with a unique and largely self-determinant personality ; and must cope with feelings and impulses which have previously been only of the vaguest and most unformulable nature .
19 The real danger to the countryside now lies in the agricultural community . ’
20 The collection now lies in a mush of tangled , twisted , torn and tattered wreckage , a victim of Hurricane Andrew .
21 Martin O'Neill , the party 's defence spokesman , said the road to arms control now lay through the process of negotiation .
22 The entire district now lies buried under a stretch of the Berlin wall and its field of fire , except for the name of the Potsdamer Platz immediately on the western side .
23 She has accepted that the survival of the British monarchy now lies with her grandchildren — in Prince William as her natural heir and Prince Harry as the future Duke of York .
24 Cunningham to the Secretary of the Admiralty on the surrender of the Italian fleet in 1943 : ‘ Be pleased to inform their Lordships that the Italian battlefleet now lies at anchor under the guns of the fortress of Malta . ’
25 She let her eyes stray for a moment to the door of the bedroom where her little daughter now lay fast asleep .
26 The architecture shows the influence of the Italian colonisation ; the modern harbour harks back to the healthy export of livestock to the Gulf States ; and the large scale agricultural activity in the adjacent fertile valley now lies dormant with equipment and crops stolen and even the electricity pylons stripped of their cables .
27 The poor man now lay in a great fourposter bed while the two old beldames clacked and muttered to themselves as they fastened splints to his leg and carefully washed his naked , bruised body .
28 Floy glanced over his shoulder , trying to gauge how far they had come and in which direction the road now lay .
29 Perhaps no one would ever know the reason , for Jerome Fanshawe 's Jaguar had skidded , crashed and caught fire five miles from the hospital where the sole survivor now lay .
30 For her land now lay underneath a plantation of banana trees a few hundred yards down the road from a bricked-up mosque .
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