Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to show " in BNC.

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1 I am — deliberately — ten minutes late , both for the sake of a dramatic entrance and to show them that frankly , my dears , I do n't give a damn .
2 In this year , he was appointed President of the English Circle of Books Across the Sea , and also became a member of the Apollo Society which was dedicated to reviving " the neglected art of reading poetry and to show that poetry and music can be regarded as complementary " .
3 Now the growing fires from Gilsland village and castleton were beginning to cast a lurid glow over the scene and to show up the encircling horsemen , a menacing sight .
4 This theory is partly derived from Max Weber 's attempts to relate the rise of capitalism ( the epitome of modern society ) with the Protestant ethic and to show how other different belief systems ( like the religions of the Orient ) inhibited the rise of modern society .
5 Magistrates then asked Elsworth to step into the witness box to give his case and to show justice was done .
6 Indeed Welford Beaton , like many other Hollywood figures , thought that Vidor had carried ‘ realism just a little farther than the public will prove willing to follow ’ and he brilliantly argued that films had to give hope and to show a way forward , but he did conceded that The Crowd was one of the best films ever made and he hoped that it would inspire further ventures into realism .
7 My purpose in this chapter has been to propose a model of language teaching and to show the interrelationship between its different elements .
8 Have you , Mr. Speaker , had any intimation from Ministers that they intend to make a statement , today or in the very near future , that would at least enable the House to question Ministers about that meeting and to show that , even if Ministers have no solution to offer , the Opposition have ?
9 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
10 Take pains to present a smart , efficient appearance and to show that you are beginning to master your subject .
11 A need exists to provide pupils with the opportunity to use viewdata systems as part of their general education and to show pupils how use viewdata critically .
12 It was to prevent bad development and to show that you could build decent houses with gardens at rents people could afford and also that you could develop a community , which is why he was never in favour of a company town .
13 Each club had a GRIMOIRE and where in every member would write his name as to show love of Evil and to show kinship with others of Evil .
14 But he appealed to the students to contain their passion and to show a measure of reason .
15 Now it is obviously possible , because of the way we have constructed this example , to use depreciation to replace the charge made for the principal repayments of the loan and to show that the result will be the same as in Local Authority Accounting No. 1 :
16 Having established the presence of money as pure symbol and medium of abstract and relational thought , Simmel goes on to address several major features of such a state and to show how money may stand as the quintessence of each .
17 It is important to note that these ballets were created by MacMillan whose aim has been to convince audiences that dance in ballet belongs to the reality of life and to show how life can be manipulated .
18 The event provided an excellent opportunity to both heighten the profile of the Enterprise Centre and to show appreciation to all employers , staff and students who had supported the work of the department during the past year .
19 The Middle East International of March 6 commented that the " Islamic movement had managed to score a moral victory over the government and to show that a solid secular force in Jordan does not actually exist " .
20 interest tax relief , it 's M I D A S right , so let's not start talking about the benefit of public sector housing and to show the financial illiteracy of of of what 's actually been proposed if you understand the government regulation about the ring fencing o of of of the housing revenue account and and the way in which housing benefit is now having to be subsidised by those other council house tenants then what 's actually going to happen when your poor people inhabit those houses , those public sector houses and they need the housing benefit that David 's been talking about .
21 But Joe 's main purpose in the novel is to be the moral standard and to show what Pip could have been and how he could have lived his life without the money .
22 The project focuses on the immediate health impact of smoking on the pupils and encourages parents to reinforce the messages from school and to show disapproval of smoking .
23 The sales department , for example , or the export department if the broadcast is to go out on the world service or in any particular language , might be able to use the information to back up sales activity and to show that promotional support is being given to the company 's product or services .
24 We ask both groups to be aware that the paths have a dual purpose and to show consideration for each other .
25 Thus the adjectival goals of this study are not only ( 1 ) to describe the various adjectival constructions of English and to show what they mean , but also ( 2 ) to use this account of constructional meaning in order to explain why many particular combinations of lexical items and constructions are ungrammatical when other similar ones are not ; ( 3 ) to explain why many such combinations have the interpretations which they do ; and ( 4 ) to explain just why the above are the adjectival positions of English .
26 I shall be only too pleased to fight the next election on the basis of the record on law and order and to show that we have a very much better record than the last Labour Government .
27 The election of the Prime Minister has done much to dispel that idea and to show the general public that in my right hon. Friend we have a Prime Minister who is frank about his business background and honest about the employment difficulties that he faced as a young man .
28 It is perhaps appropriate to stress again that where playwrights require pages of dialogue to explain every factor in the development of the plot , to create a changing atmosphere and to show how the actions affect the actors in the play , dancers can communicate whole passages of dialogue in a few expressive gestures woven into enchaînements .
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