Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to help " in BNC.

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1 The opportunity to help investment and to help employment directly , then they should be prepared to cut erm interest rates , as our European partners have been doing .
2 The IMF on April 8 , 1991 , approved a financing package for Costa Rica , authorizing disbursements of up to SDR88,300,000 ( about US$119 million ) over the next 12 months to support the government 's economic programme and to help meet increases in the cost of oil imports .
3 Many women need extra financial help from the state in order to bring their incomes up to a minimum figure and to help with their rent and rates .
4 Here we examine carbon-bearing and carbon-free granulites under a range of electrolyte saturations , confining pressures , pore pressures and temperatures to assess their contributions to the bulk conductivity of the rock and to help understand the nature of the rocks causing the high-conductivity zones in the lower crust .
5 The Chief Officer needed to contribute to this work and to help the Council maintain the influence in higher education it had developed in the previous six years , and to develop public awareness of the Council 's aims and activities .
6 You may divide it into sections , such as in the tables , record it just as it is spoken , or however else you wish , but do record it for later reference and to help you learn .
7 In the name of international policy co-ordination , Japan held its interest rates down to support the dollar and to help America finance its external deficit .
8 The measures are designed to improve competitiveness and to help ensure the businesses within Chemicals are in a strong position to take advantage of the eventual upturn in the market .
9 There are lots of fluids out there , they are there for the embalmer to increase his expertise and to help him make his cases better , the chemical companies give technical support and do a lot of research into their products .
10 In 1168 Geoffrey stood on the threshold of a long and turbulent career which was to earn him a great reputation as a knight both in Europe and on crusade and to help lift his dynasty out of the ranks of the barons of Poitou and place it firmly among the leading princes of Christendom .
11 The committee identified two important functions of such evaluation — to improve teaching and to help to make more informed decisions about staff promotion .
12 The national park committee also agreed to support a timetable for all public transport within the park and to help with British Rail 's Esk Valley line .
13 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
14 The main motivating force , however , is the Community Mother 's own desire to give support and to help her own community with the knowledge and experience she has gained through her child-rearing .
15 They agreed to meet for three or four sessions , after which a session would be held with her parents in order to assess progress and to help Pamela further improve her communication with them .
16 We give substantial aid to the relief of poverty and to help the struggling economies of the developing world .
17 Blackwell produced an ingenious if not wholly convincing scheme for a land bank , to provide credit and to help overcome the colony 's chronic shortage of specie .
18 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
19 All the techniques discussed in this section can be used to find out more about the organisation and to help determine the area for further work , the area for data analysis , database development and information systems development .
20 And when God saw that the man was lonely He made a beautiful woman like mother to be his wife and to help him .
21 It is my great pleasure to be here with you on this happy occasion and to help Annabelle and Steven celebrate their marriage .
22 The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act , which became law in 1970 , revolutionised the public attitude to the disabled , including the deaf , by imposing statutory duties upon local authorities to provide for their welfare and to help them to overcome their disabilities .
23 It is also dedicated to teaching them qualities such as self-discipline , loyalty , integrity and to help those in need at all times .
24 Information technology is being used to improve product quality and to help rationalise production systems and resources .
25 The USA released US$54,000,000 in aid to Nicaragua on Dec. 3 to assist the country 's economic stabilization and to help it to normalize relations with international financial institu-tions .
26 Some tried to help the poor by removing them from their environment , others aimed to change that environment and to help families and individuals within it .
27 The jeep continued to bounce and surge along the rutted , forlorn track that led , Robyn prayed , to the barn and to help , for several more minutes , while she gripped the wheel and perched on the edge of her seat , peering through the rain for any signs of civilisation .
28 She now runs the Darlington branch of the National Epilepsy Society and to help parents and teachers recognise the symptoms she had she has a number of books and videos which she is willing to lend to anyone interested .
29 Children are deeply affected by their family life and to help parents provide them with a satisfactory experience and model is likely to be an investment in the future when they will become parents in their turn .
30 Its sole aim is to set you thinking along constructive lines , to indicate what is possible , to advise on the best sources of information and to help you avoid the pitfalls that can trap the unwary .
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