Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to reduce " in BNC.

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1 The arrangement of goods should be such that heavy items and liquids are kept at the lowest levels to avoid unnecessary lifting and to reduce the effect of spillage or container fracture .
2 In its Trade and Development Report 1992 released on Sept. 14 the UN Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) called on industrialized countries to boost government investment and to reduce interest rates to stimulate global economic recovery .
3 Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and to reduce tension .
4 Drawings from a current account , or from non-capital moneys shown in an " irregular " capital account , would prima facie be allowed — which again highlights the need for proper accounting to avoid confusion and to reduce the potential for dispute .
5 That challenge forced Mr Clinton into another change of emphasis , mainly concerned with the need to reach out to the private sector and to reduce the federal budget deficit .
6 Two of the government 's most important objectives are to reduce the proportion of the nation 's wealth consumed by the public sector and to reduce the extent to which individuals are held back by the public sector …
7 We were able to lower the nose to improve visibility and to reduce the height of the whole car because we no longer had to worry about having the exhaust pipes running under the passenger compartment .
8 It is probably obvious that comparability of unitization and assessment pattern , the frequency with which modules run ( often termly for popular Stage I modules ) , common requirements for students seeking the same qualification ( e.g. all honours students are normally required to complete a project ) , and central provision of course-wide performance data , all operate to facilitate monitoring and to reduce the burden it places upon staff .
9 The latter were constructed to both conserve moisture and to reduce soil erosion and occur on slopes as steep as 25° .
10 The need to tackle the budget deficit and to reduce inflation was expected to lead to tight fiscal policies , especially if the government wanted to avoid asking the IMF for the estimated requirement of $2,000 million to boost foreign exchange reserves , and instead to raise the money in the commercial market [ for March 1990 budget see pp. 37315-16 ] .
11 Further , the Prime Minister brought forward the deadline for nominations to the leadership contest to 15 November in order to force the hand of any challenger and to reduce the time available to mount an effective campaign .
12 In order to increase revenue the IMF recommended raising indirect taxes and reforming the fiscal system in order to broaden the tax base and to reduce tax evasion .
13 Since this deduction would have to come from either wages or profits , it worked to intensify distributional struggle and to reduce the rate of accumulation .
14 This effect , however , may in some way be related to urethane 's cytostatic action and urethane 's ability to augment synthesis and release of somatostatin and to reduce gastrin release and acid secretion in the rat stomach .
15 Except for a Japanese joint venture , Russell 's group does not manufacture in the Far East , and sales there can come from either US or European production , but generally Morton prefers to manufacture close to the customer for improved service and to reduce tariff costs .
16 States of ‘ socialist orientation ’ , in the Soviet view , were those that were carrying out major social transformations such as the nationalisation of foreign monopolies , redistribution of land and industrialisation , and which were taking steps to further public education and to reduce poverty and unemployment .
17 The final , defiant round-up by the retreating Nazis , in which Claudia and her deluded father were caught , the train journey and the selection process at Auschwitz , will all be treated in black and white , in order , if I get Letterman , to increase the realism and to reduce the melodrama .
18 Governments which maintain fixed exchange rates often find that they are compelled to use expenditure-reducing fiscal and monetary policies in the attempt to control inflation and to reduce spending on imported goods and services .
19 The ‘ structuralists ’ argue that the causes of such behaviours lie deep in the social organization of society , and particularly in its class divisions , and that they can only be radically modified by collective actions designed to curb the power of the purveyors of cigarettes and alcohol and to reduce social inequalities .
20 The Rueff plan , which was presented to de Gaulle in mid-November , had three main planks : a substantial devaluation of the franc ( accompanied by the creation of a new franc equivalent to 100 old francs ) ; action to control the budget deficit , both through increased taxes and cuts in governmental expenditure ; and a decision to remove many restrictions on foreign trade and to reduce tariffs on trade with the other five Common Market countries ( in line with a commitment that had been made by the Fourth Republic the year before ) .
21 The pact was designed to allow the Reserve Bank of New Zealand ( central bank ) , which had anticipated wage rises of around 5 per cent ( the current rate of inflation ) , to relax its tight monetary policy and to reduce interest and mortgage rates accordingly .
22 Attempts by some Labour-led councils in the 1980s to respond to the demands of the lesbian and gay movement and to reduce the impact of that oppression , led to one of those great hypocritical moral panics which are so characteristic of British public life .
23 Age Concern believes that a national energy strategy is required to improve standards of insulation and energy conservation and to reduce the high costs of heating which deter poorer consumers from keeping themselves warm .
24 In particular , such organisations constantly strive to improve the productivity of their tradeforce and to reduce aircraft spare parts held .
25 The new scheme is intended , inter alia , to promote consistency and fairness and to reduce the number of cases which are brought where there is a lack of evidence .
26 It has pledged to end the deeply unpopular draft and to reduce the 80,000-strong army .
27 It has pledged to end the deeply unpopular draft and to reduce the 80,000-strong army .
28 His plans to introduce income tax self-assessment and to reduce the audit burden were welcomed last night by small business organisations .
29 Vice-President and Finance Minister George Saitoti presented a budget on June 15 , 1989 , largely intended to appeal to international donors through its aim to curb public expenditure and to reduce the deficit to 4.2 per cent of GDP in 1989-90 , from 4.5 per cent in 1988-89 .
30 The government 's strategy led to policies to control public expenditure and to reduce the provision of goods and services by the state .
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