Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to allow " in BNC.

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1 It is important to emphasise brevity and to allow no more than 20 minutes .
2 A graphical interface designed both to make the operation of software simpler for the non-expert and to allow programs to communicate with one another .
3 This was intended both to inform future research and to allow the reinterpretation of the results of Studies 2 and 3 to see whether the assumptions made about the distribution of information concerning risk were in fact correct .
4 You can reckon to need twenty to support a 100-yard net , allowing a few spares to be on the safe side and to allow for breakage .
5 The Tropical Forestry Action Plan ( TFAP ) is to be reworked to prioritise the fundamental causes of deforestation and to allow the inclusion of forest-dwellers and non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) .
6 It was felt that the application does not fall within the Structure Plan and to allow it would create a precedent and make other similar applications difficult to refuse .
7 The agriculture courses available at Edinburgh are designed to provide maximum flexibility and to allow the student to select a degree course best suited to career interests .
8 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
9 To ensure that all the pleats lie at one level when the blind is raised , the top pleat section should be slightly deeper than those below it in order to cover the front of the batten and to allow for the depth of lath and rings which accumulate at the top of the blind when it is raised .
10 While doing this the men are supposed to be separated by some distance in order to be able to call for radio assistance and to allow fire to be returned should one of them be attacked , and for the constable whose patch it is to become solely identified as the area 's neighbourhood policeman .
11 An anti-homosexual initiative was passed in Colorado but turned down in Oregon ; California rejected proposals to give the Governor greater control over the budget and to allow doctor-assisted suicide for the terminally ill ; an equal rights amendment to give women statutory equal rights with men was rejected in Iowa ; environmental proposals on mandatory recyclable packaging and an excise tax on hazardous substances manufactured in the state were defeated in Massachusetts ; and Arizona voted to observe a state holiday in memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King , the 50th state to do so , and decided to switch its method of execution from gas chamber to lethal injection .
12 In Lithuania ( where the Pope appointed two new archbishops and a bishop in March ) the Constitution was amended in November 1989 to give greater religious freedom and to allow religious instruction in schools .
13 The EIT 's policy is to hold the patents for products and processes accruing from its funding and to allow members to licence them .
14 The view was that people ordered their affairs on the basis of their contractual liability and to allow a third party to sue in tort would upset this arrangement .
15 I beg to move that lead beginning did beg given to bring in a bill to extend and improve methods of electoral registration and to allow disabled people to gain access to polling stations .
16 Secondly , the Director of Social Services has got the authority to waive any of these charges where it causes financial hardship and the whole mechanism has been put in place to inform people that this waiving waiver process is in place and to allow them to apply for waiving of those charges .
17 Choreographers must have been dancers themselves if they are to understand and feel the natural abilities of the body and to allow fur the influence of the techniques in which they have been trained .
18 In the transepts , for example , he stilted the rib vaults to enhance the elegance of their appearance and to allow an increased flow of light .
19 Popular advice on watercolour technique would be to use pale tones of the correct colour and to allow the white of the paper to show through .
20 A good number of fabliaux advise the husband simply to accept his inferiority to his wife and to allow her to continue to keep the passage of the world smooth ; at the end of Le Chevalier a la robe vermeille , " The Knight with the scarlet robe " , a husband who has surprised his wife and made the compromising discovery of her lover 's horse and robe is hoodwinked by her , and the tale concludes : ( But he who keeps to the right path should believe fully , without dispute , everything that his wife tells him . )
21 This can again serve both to confirm their assignment and to allow other modes in the same region to be distinguished .
22 In France , the Constitutional Court ruled on April 9 that constitutional amendments were required before ratification in order to permit EC regulation of a single EC currency and of visa policy and to allow residents from other EC countries to vote in local elections .
23 So the IMF warns policy-makers , especially in America , to lean less on monetary policy and to allow fiscal policy to share the burden .
24 The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate freely through it .
25 In the 1960s the Labour government legislated to restore security of tenure and to allow rent levels to rise only to levels that fell short of market prices .
26 The application does not fall within the Structure Plan for the area and to allow it would create a precedent .
27 In the main , larval control would have to be near perfect in its efficiency and to allow very few adults to survive .
28 For instance , two potters who share a unit required ground-floor premises to accommodate their heavy kiln and to allow easy access from the street for the delivery of materials .
29 It is perfectly proper to say that , as a natural resource , gas is a state asset and to allow as much competition as possible in its exploitation .
30 All these measures were part of a wider concern to curb corruption in public life and to allow a free flow of information .
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