Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to find " in BNC.

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1 This is their opportunity to meet the others in the programme and to find out what they are doing , We will also be briefing participants on the latest pertinent developments outside the programme , as well as the latest administrative news .
2 Further work is needed to enable those specialist groups with support to offer to identify indicators of vulnerability and to find ways to reach their most needy group .
3 Such schemes were an attempt to accommodate the desire of many older people to continue in at least part-time work and to find new ways of continuing the older tradition of gradual transition from full-time work to full retirement .
4 Nothing , however , can detract from the miracle that , on Christmas Day 1973 , people who lived in a state of enmity with one another on each side of the peace-line were strangely drawn together , jointly to celebrate the Christmas story and to find in it a message of love and forgiveness and of reconciliation .
5 We wanted to discover how they feel about their lives , whether housewife is an adequate job description and to find out if this war between women really exists .
6 She had been lucky to see it in Vogue and to find it available in Harrods .
7 For many years my husband Brian and I had determined to go to Normandy in order to visit the grave and to find out , if possible , any further information concerning the shooting down of his aircraft over Cherbourg in September 1940 , even though it had happened so many years before .
8 It began gradually to peel off the brick skin and to find out what was underneath .
9 Right , for the next item members will need to note the statements from the joint trade unions liaison committee and the non-domestic rate-payers group and to find item twenty-one two today 's papers , the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , meeting held on the eighteenth of January , agenda item twenty-two brackets one .
10 Whatever the cause of division , there must be opportunities for the parties involved to air their grievances , to talk through the areas of conflict and to find a satisfactory resolution .
11 There was then the opportunity to meet the captain and crew and to find out a little bit more as to how the plane was able to fly at such a phenomenal speed .
12 It is always tempting to sample the more ‘ interesting ’ sections of a sedimentary sequence and to find , on return to the laboratory , that you have few or no samples of the more mundane lithologies which comprise the greater portion of the sequence .
13 It was exciting to travel up on the night train and to find Granny waiting beside the fire in the hall , as exhilarated by the festivities as any of her grandchildren .
14 The aim of this research is to evaluate how far these new courses are meeting their objective and to find out what lessons can be learned from them for engineering education in general .
15 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
16 That is , he has been struggling to extract and create ‘ goodness ’ from his earthly life and to find some way to preserve it .
17 That night I packed , ordered the cook to prepare some chicken soup for the journey and to find some cows ' milk .
18 People have always travelled to see the world and to find out how other people live .
19 " It 's no fun waiting five or ten minutes to play every shot and to find two or three groups waiting on every tee .
20 In-depth discussion groups with local residents are used to explore what features of different open-areas people like or dislike and to find out how these assessments relate to personal and social characteristics and to where people live .
21 But he decided he must at least stop somewhere to telephone a warning of their arrival and to find out if Pat was still alive .
22 ‘ I do hope that 's not my lasagne I can smell burning , my dear , ’ and while she moved swiftly to check the oven and to find that not a thing was burning , Naylor was saying , ‘ We 'll see you at the weekend , Travis . ’
23 Flying over Normandy he descended to ground level to escape the fog and to find his bearings .
24 It is not easy with new clients to truly understand their culture and to find a range of people for a short list who would truly fit into that organisation .
25 No one entered Harry Short 's house without an invitation and to find Kelly Connor of all people sitting across the breakfast table was like a practical joke in very poor taste .
26 It 'll be a working holiday , but my goodness it 'll be the experience of a lifetime and to find out how you can join us stay tuned for the Dougie Down Under competition thanks to QUANTAS , Australia 's national airline .
27 Largely due to Bernard , they were to come to the forefront of politics and to find a place within the papal court .
28 To regain fitness and to find fresh enthusiasm , he joined a new club , Granta Harriers .
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