Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to see " in BNC.

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1 It would also be of interest to extend the scope of the study to examine both additional forms of inward investment and to see whether measures of financial liberalization are an important factor in the explanation of portfolio investment flows elsewhere .
2 The Spirit enables us to know the Master , to sense his will , to grasp his mind and to see things his way .
3 They were united , too by a common aim ; they both wanted to do what they could to restore normal life in that community , to take away the fear and to see justice done .
4 ‘ There is no need to be ashamed , ’ he said to himself , getting up off the bed and making his way to the door to see what his native Forest looked like in daylight and to see what sort of world it was where a man could be free and alone and full of shame .
5 In the meantime one studies them as landscapes , so to speak , simply to heighten one 's pleasure in sight-seeing , to get behind the superficial appearances , to uncover the layers of the palimpsest and to see , for example , a piece of the tenth century in the way a street makes an abrupt turn or does something else unexpected .
6 It is the utopian dream of a Christian heresy and to see it as anything less than that is to totally misunderstand it .
7 It took McAllister all her will-power not to wrench it from his grasp and to see and devour her work in one go .
8 Another way of thinking of this is to return to the tap metaphor and to see that the tap represents demands and the glass represents resources .
9 I just want to know those three things — the extent of the damage , the location of this ticking noise and to see if it 's possible to remove this atom bomb or whatever , which I 'm convinced in advance is impossible .
10 There was a railed-off space on top of the cabins which served as a kind of open-air lounge , sufficiently high to allow passengers both to enjoy the breeze and to see over the bank .
11 They have been used to ‘ track ’ party policies over the postwar period and to see how far party 's electoral promises have been fulfilled in government .
12 The visits are intended to give those customers , previously supplied by Preston mill , an insight of the mill process and to see what happens once an order is placed .
13 The most recent , and it 's quite exciting , is to use magnetic resonance imaging to look at erm nuclei in the body and to see what they 're doing and where they are , and that 's going to be very exciting but it involves having a very very large magnet in which one puts a whole patient all at once .
14 Our vision is to build bridges between the church and the community and to see kids and adults coming to faith in Jesus that will last .
15 reaction against the survival curves er with the G er pathology grade and the G with the tumour and to see actually the difference which we can , in curves which we can deduct from counting the vascularity .
16 At this point I persuaded her to part with a small sample of blood to check for glandular fever and to see that she was n't anaemic .
17 To hear those lovely voices raised in celebration of a glorious event and to see the countryside — almost 200 feet below us — stretching away into the distance on this beautiful spring morning was an experience to remember .
18 Causality is here contrasted with indeterminacy : either one pretends that the origin of psychological peculiarities is known and that it has the force of explanation , as in classical psychoanalysis , or one chooses to relinquish this concept and to see identity as a matter of discontinuity and flux .
19 So far , this has been handled by visits to Unipart 's headquarters in Oxford to understand the wholesaling operation from start to finish and to see the ‘ parts superstores ’ that are typical of the UK retail market .
20 For the expressive value is confirmed when people in good faith try to treat one another in a way appropriate to common membership in a community governed by political integrity and to see each other as making this attempt , even when they disagree about exactly what integrity requires in particular circumstances .
21 I , I in actual fact went to the er , Remembrance Day Parade and to see those kids do a silent drill , it 's unbelievable .
22 Such interviews are particularly important to assess character and to see if the interpersonal chemistry is right .
23 Magistrate Roger Davies , ordered the teenager to live with her parents as a condition of bail and to see her child only under the supervision of local social services .
24 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
25 However , the flight was extremely enjoyable and we travelled low enough almost to touch the antlers of the wild moose that were in the area and to see the countryside from the most advantageous position .
26 NESTON Care Group has organised a public meeting on June 15 to look at community problems in the area and to see what positive steps can be taken to help eliminate them .
27 Going to London , to Regional Health Authority to attend present petition and to see what they do about the animals petition .
28 Non-logical stimuli : the first step here is to list as many aspects as can be thought of connected with the problem situation and to consider a completely irrelevant , unconnected object and to see how many ways that the object could affect the situation .
29 Here he was impressed by America 's industrial progress and in 1862 he visited London for its World Exhibition and to see the museums of South Kensington .
30 I want greater investment and efficiency and to see prices stabilised in a tougher , more competitive electricity industry .
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