Example sentences of "[noun sg] usually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As well as improved communication tools , the methodology usually incorporates structured walkthroughs .
2 The first drivers through — Guy Edwards , Lunger , the bearded Harald Ertl — leaped from their cars and tried to rescue Niki , but it was the old Ferrari driver , Arturo Merzario , a tiny figure usually decked out in a cowboy hat , who simply waded into the flames and undid Niki 's harness : not a second too soon .
3 The outer boundary of a closed figure usually defines its size .
4 For the 1840's-50's this figure usually fell between £1,000 and £2,000 per month .
5 ‘ It even included a piece by Anthony Burgess — not a figure usually associated with the alternative culture — on ‘ flower language ’ .
6 The barman usually called Jack by his Christian name and Jack knew ‘ Mr Pertwee ’ was a mark never to be repeated , of the respect due to a bridegroom .
7 Those still looking for a record deal usually send a tape , some photographs and a biography .
8 The degree of confusion usually reduces with the passage of time , although it can be heightened at any point in life as a result of threat or adversity .
9 In their evidence to the Redcliffe-Maud Commission , the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ( MHLG ) ( as it then was ) argued that it led neither to an improved speed nor to a better quality of development control : the advantages which flowed from delegating some of the work load to district councils were offset by the shortage of qualified planning staff in most district offices , by the limited range of problems which arose within any one area , by the difficulties caused by the natural inclination of district councils to take a ‘ narrow view ’ , and by the extra administrative complications that limited delegation usually entailed .
10 The new rules forbid more than one to put up a sign , a rule usually ignored by whoever is second or third on the list .
11 The rule usually applies where a genus can be found .
12 Each comes from a prose story or novella , and concentrates on a sequence of sharply and economically presented emotional points , eschewing the larger structures of tension usually encountered in operas based on the dramatic convention of acts and scenes .
13 Covering the bottom of the pool and the tops of the planting baskets with a layer of well washed pea gravel usually prevents this recurring .
14 The ability to make long-range plans is at a premium in early middle game , and the machine 's low level of ability in this department usually gets it into terrible trouble .
15 Most large agencies have a special department usually called ‘ account planning ’ , or simply ‘ planning ’ , to develop the advertising strategy ( see page 47 ) .
16 His mind usually stayed at the level of gossip and anecdote but not always .
17 A decorative horizontal panel of fabric usually attached to the top of the window frame , or just above , to hide rods and provide added interest .
18 Audrey is shown as wanting independence , but in practice usually failing .
19 Often the first batch or two are lost , or eaten by the parents , for no obvious reason , but patience is usually rewarded , as practice usually makes perfect .
20 The main message to get across is that concentration on selective , analytic listening will help them to recognise what is being said , and that practice usually brings confidence .
21 Flat braid usually looks better if hand-sewn as lines of machine sewing may spoil the finished effect .
22 Not all materials are suitable for both modern and period treatments — for example , a dark velvet usually looks best in an antique-style frame , whereas a pale pink silk or cotton can be an attractive choice for a more modern setting .
23 It should never be taken hastily or immediately a crisis arises in the life of an elderly person , such as bereavement or a sudden illness or depression , for grief usually passes to some extent after a period of supported mourning .
24 An ordinary push-button switch usually produces several pulses instead of one .
25 This inherited , natural , passive ( the baby has not produced it ) immunity to , for example , measles and whooping cough usually lasts only for a few months after birth .
26 As you can imagine , people suffering from this condition usually experience many difficulties , and these become more significant as the condition cause sight to deteriorate .
27 The condition usually affects middle aged and elderly men .
28 At the risk of indelicacy , one would suggest that such a condition usually accounts for some five or six days of inactivity .
29 The MEC usually meets for 1½–2 hrs and may discuss or note changes to around 50 student cases .
30 Each ceremony usually starts with the presentation of one or more honorary graduands who are introduced by speeches from the public orators and then admitted to their degrees by the Chancellor .
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