Example sentences of "[noun sg] throw [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the reason , the gloom which her defeat threw over the racing scene was genuine .
2 This major administrative reorganization threw into sharp focus the acute difficulties surrounding the management and financing of Advanced Further Education as a whole , not least the role of the local education authorities in the government of polytechnics and other colleges .
3 Though America 's economic hegemony ended 20 years ago , the consequences of this were little appreciated within America , for the country 's military and geopolitical power went unchallenged until 1989–91 , when its old enemy threw in the towel .
4 Fiona kept her face away from him , looking out into the night , watching the vertical bright line of light the car threw onto the serried mass of dark conifers .
5 He said , ‘ We started with a brainstorming session where all members of the Department threw in their ideas on the areas which needed written procedures .
6 The episode threw into chaos the normal wage bargaining consultations and only after several months of discussions was a new system of work organisation finally thrashed out .
7 We are concerned only with the additional light which this part of Anselm 's thought and action throws on the man himself , and here a number of features deserve attention .
8 ‘ I thought it would be an asset in one of the chalets , ’ Doreen explained , with a reproachful glance thrown at Silas .
9 Is more weight thrown onto the inside or outside of each foot ?
10 Well , frankly , I 'd rather have a little mud than a hatchet thrown at my back .
11 ‘ Beth 's been stabbed with scissors , had her paws stamped on and we 've had cups of tea thrown at us .
12 Thus when the girl secretary who was to become Dostoevsky 's wife rang the bell of his flat for the first time , the door was opened by an elderly woman servant with a green shawl thrown over her shoulders .
13 She was still in her night dress , with a paisley shawl thrown round her shoulders .
14 Physically strong , Harry judged , and mentally agile : the Corinthian sportsman and the patrician academic , with some diabolical ingredient thrown in that curdled the mixture .
15 The psychological black hole which is Quisling 's superabundance of gravity is more than counterbalanced by the light thrown on the society which spawned him : a small country struggling in the economic and political tempests of the years between the wars .
16 The episode proves that a democratic regime which lifts the stone in time can live with the light thrown on what is found underneath .
17 The section will conclude with some remarks on two topics of special interest : the effects of exchange depreciation on the balance sheets of Yugoslav banks , and the revealing light thrown on the Yugoslav financial system by the recent collapse of the Bosnian firm of Agrokomerc .
18 Bewildered , she slid into bed beneath a vast grey and emerald silk quilt , and lay staring at the patterns of light thrown on the ceiling by the white bedside lamp .
19 Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly were as ready to talk of Ovid as of the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant , and indeed ready to illuminate the one by shafts of light thrown from the other …
20 At the far end , in a pool of light thrown by sconce-torches and a cluster of candles , sat a small , balding figure swathed in robes whom Corbett recognised as Wishart , Bishop of Glasgow .
21 I could n't see many people ; most of the lights had been turned off , and we happened to be sitting in the patch of light thrown by one small lamp .
22 The forest was noisy with night sounds that only seemed to lock them closer into the area of light thrown by the fire .
23 The school of Tolkien , if one may so describe it , was an attempt to throw on the brakes : to rediscover a national and personal selfhood by discovering the roots of faith .
24 If anyone has any light to throw on this mystery both the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the BM and the Mayor of Capri would like to hear from them .
25 A final ingredient to throw into the church planting pot was a clearer link kept with the Cobham Fellowship or at least the Pioneer Leadership Team .
26 No oranges will taste the same as those we ate on t hose Saturday mornings , saving the peel to throw at the screen when Roy Rogers brought out his guitar to serenade Dale Evans across a Texas campfire that was flickering in an enchanted cave in a Manchester street .
27 Hall threw in the third crate for a Quinn goal that was disallowed .
28 If the bowler throws outside the trebles ring , that score is credited to the batting side as wides .
29 The roadside foliage was touched with silver in the moon 's rays , its brightness thrown into relief by the shadowy depths of the leaves behind .
30 Criminal justice campaigners like NACRO are almost in despair , fearing they will see ten years of hard work thrown into reverse .
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