Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] money " in BNC.

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1 Due to work by the union , the community is now set to act on repetitive strain injury , something we 've campaigned on for years and in late June the E C's Head of Health and Safety will share a platform with John and Nigel in Brussels to launch G M B's campaign to create working environment funds at E C level to channel money to unions and their health and safety work .
2 I think if we go down not having a responsible position to our debts , repaying our debts in the long term , erm , we are going to be restricted on what we can borrow with the capital , because no government is going to , you know , my party or your party , is going to let us go on building debts , and more debts by giving us permission to borrow money and more money and more money .
3 It 's a complicated procedure where the local County Council has to ask the Department of Education for permission to borrow money .
4 Philip Coles , 37 , of Clackmannanshire , had pled guilty last month to conspiracy to obtain money by deception .
5 In an attempt to divert money from China , the Taiwanese government is getting involved in developing an export-processing zone in Subic Bay , the former American base in the Philippines .
6 They expect pleasure to cost money .
7 A general attempt to reduce money holdings in this way adds to the demand for these alternative financial assets , pushing up prices and pushing down yields .
8 Around the world , companies are pruning their headquarters teams in an attempt to save money .
9 One in 10 motorists would actually consider selling their car to save money .
10 Defence counsel Richard Benson said she was part of a syndicate of ten or a dozen young Oxford people who bought amphetamines in bulk to save money .
11 PUPILS are selling themselves into slavery this week in a bid to raise money for a worthy cause .
12 Regulars from several Hartlepool pubs are due to gather in the Park Hotel today for a 12-hour charity quiz to raise money for the Telethon appeal .
13 Hairflair Editor , Sue Rouse , took a spin to raise money in the Proton Test Drive Campaign .
14 BINSTED resident Judith Stephens , who recently launched a One Hundred Club to raise money for Breakthrough , is appealing for more support .
15 I 'm selling my , erm remote control car to get money
16 His recent conversion to Christianity , his gruelling exposure to the banking system in his attempt to raise money for the rites , and his position as arbitrator between the old Tominah priests and representatives of the Jakarta government were getting him down .
17 Having recently completed a company first aid course , P&O Distribution Warehouseman , Terry Phillips , decided to run his first marathon to raise money for the St John Ambulance Service .
18 Four casualty team members have just run a half marathon to raise money for a revolutionary diagnostic MRI machine for the hospital .
19 Within a few months these hopes were dashed when a majority of the Manchester committee insisted on recognising an American evangelical , the Rev. Fred Hemming , as an official agent to raise money for the anti-Garrisonian abolitionists in America although he only had the general support of Lewis Tappan and apparently regarded the Garrisonians and their British sympathisers as ‘ infidel abolitionists ’ .
20 William 's readiness to make money out of Yorick still seemed rather tasteless .
21 This is not only because of the need for a contractor to make money but also to achieve an acceptable cash flow and , ideally , to obtain more work from the same client in the future .
22 The personality of Arthur Scargill , with his apparent willingness to receive money from the terrorist regime of Colonel Qadaffi 's Libya and his condoning of violence , alienated many , including the leader of the Labour Party , Neil Kinnock .
23 The ’ next steps ’ initiative is making use of the best and most appropriate management practices from all sectors , such as contracting out , recruitment of chief executives from the private sector , performance pay , publication of reports and accounts , customer surveys , trading funds , and financial flexibility to carry money between financial years .
24 An estimate of royal revenue indicates not only the ability of the government to meet its commitments , but also its capacity to extract money from its subjects .
25 management to put money
26 ‘ So , every letter from Giulia — ’ she went on , ‘ I remember that , you see , because it was spelt with a G — she was asking Ramon to send money for herself and the children .
27 A spiral perm can cost over £100 but do n't be tempted to try it at home to save money .
28 ‘ Companies have taken out a tier of management to save money , appointing financial controllers as directors designate , ’ warns Mr Austin .
29 Chevenement his hardest battle to get money to finance the greatly increased research budgets .
30 On Tuesday Feb 12 there will be a benefit to raise money for the 1991 women 's Delegation to Belfast and Derry featuring women 's bands , Irish music , food , videos etc .
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