Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] to put " in BNC.

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1 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
2 A solicitor is required by law always to put the interests of his or her client first .
3 A solicitor is required by law always to put the interests of his or her client first .
4 A solicitor is required by law always to put the interests of his or her client first .
5 A solicitor is required by law always to put the interests of his or her client first .
6 The firm staged the one-day boycott yesterday to put pressure on Liverpool City Council to pay up .
7 And er we had to have er for the spr er for springs the er the buffers er we had to have a er a tool then to put the pressure on on to the buffer springs .
8 No place else to put it .
9 In the 72nd minute , a defensive mix-up let in Wayne Wren and he slotted the ball home to put the home side ahead .
10 As the tie went into extra time , both sides struggled in the warm sunshine , but Powell made an extra effort and forced the ball home to put Haslemere in the lead .
11 take that back an'all , and , stick it on here then stick in your radiator , that 's only a weather chart really to put that in , so you have any
12 For those who find it too difficult to discuss , any member of the Membership Services Sub-Committee would be happy to come along to your class or coffee morning etc. to put the case for you — please contact .
13 So she gave up , and sat between the vines in the hot sun , alternately sleeping and working her way through the dusty volumes of Peregrine Pickle , bound in crimson and gold leather , with real bookworms making agitated forays from their dark crannies into the heat and light across the extraordinary scenes where Smollett 's elderly ladies retained their urine indefinitely to put out putative fires , or sweetened their foul breaths with violet cachous to deceive desired young lovers .
14 Six months to get Hoomey jumping Bones … watching him , Nutty saw the very rawest of raw beginners , sitting pop-eyed with excitement on a pony quiet enough to put your great-grandmother on .
15 Can , can I make a suggestion to you on this point and that is that rather than worrying about the date of the document itself which makes sense just to put January or something like that , what you actually keep a careful record of and this can be with the issue and such like , is the date from which that procedure is required to be worked to , which would be the issue date as opposed to any date that it was typed or agreed or anything like that .
16 You have n't got the hole there to put your head in at the moment then ?
17 Erm would it be an idea perhaps to put something up on notice boards that the conference people are going to see .
18 ‘ There 's a tendency just to put the manuals on-line , ’ says Barford .
19 Well are we in a position now to put ticks or crosses against two on the list in table one ?
20 MARTIN and Andrea Stevens will enjoy a special Valentine 's Day treat today to put a double nightmare behind them .
21 The Lombard brothers and Mike Waterlane , however , scored a goal apiece to put Rutshire into Sunday 's final against the mighty South Sussex , who had n't been beaten for three years .
22 Does he further agree that it would be a grave injustice indeed to put swingeing extra taxes on the savings of these people as a result of the profligacy of socialism ?
23 Since he 's added that one it 's sent the system completely to put !
24 The Tories believe they have time enough to put over that case .
25 Time now to put out the stuff from the back of the shelves , holding back the normal fare until everyone is back on the treadmill again .
26 Money and effort that should have been devoted to supporting the ordinary people in Highfields has been wasted on power politics and I agree that it 's time surely to put an end to that disgrace now there is a certain logic in Mr amendment , it basically says let us put the implementation of council policy in the hands of the director of education , let him take executive control and let us take politics out of it and if I thought that that would do what both Mr and myself want to happen I would support .
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