Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] child " in BNC.

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1 The second baseline may show no difference from the first in which case the child is not learning .
2 They do not want to disturb their child by commenting on how good he or she is in case the child starts to demand attention again .
3 It was , after all , as long ago as 1899 that John Dewey enunciated the principle of his ‘ Copernican revolution ’ in education whereby , just as ‘ the astronomical centre shifted from the earth to the sun ’ , so ‘ In this case the child becomes the sun about which the appliances of education revolve ; he is the centre about which they are organised . ’
4 Now I feel it is very hurtful when you have a boyfriend and when he finds out he does n't want to know in case the child calls him Daddy .
5 Her mother had made some scones and pies in her afternoon leisure and picked some flowers in case the child came back in need of cheering up , so they ate some supper and then went out to the headland .
6 So because there 's this contrast the child is n't necessarily playing up or not bothering .
7 One adoptive parent told her adopted daughter that her first mother was just like the brown paper parcel the child came in .
8 Section 663 provides that where there is a settlement , and during the life of the settlor any income is paid to or for the benefit of a child of the settlor in any year of assessment , the income shall , if at the time of payment the child is unmarried and below the age of 18 , be treated as the settlor 's income and not the income of any other person .
9 In addition the child can become very frightened , thinking that he must have been very naughty indeed for Mummy to prefer to go to be with Jesus than to stay with him .
10 In assimilation , by contrast , the environment is incorporated only at the level of comprehension the child has attained at any given stage ( Furth 1969 : 14 ) .
11 Her rent would have certainly been paid in advance and the rent man , whoever he was , would likely be the only one who would come down here , except of course the child 's uncles , and they must have been hard put to it to resort to this hole .
12 On the basis of past experience the child is likely to try and interpret the adult 's next act as some form of ‘ comment ’ on this topic .
13 The eyes that see ourselves see always the same creature throughout life ; in our own mind the child and the youth and the mature man are the same .
14 It must be accepted that at the end of the interview the child may have given no information to support the suspicion of [ sexual ] abuse and the position will remain unclear .
15 Now for the first time she was face to face with fragmented suggestions of reality , distorted perhaps , like the sun glancing on water , but hinting at something very different from the fairy tale princess the child Harriet had claimed as her own .
16 You see , by law the child was his .
17 ( a ) The welfare principle Under s1(1) of the Act the child 's welfare must be the court 's paramount consideration when it determines any question relating to a child 's upbringing .
18 With another whoop of delight the child threw herself at Jake , flinging her arms around him as he bent down to scoop her up .
19 ( b ) The child The child is entitled to respondent status in : ( i ) applications under Parts IV and V of the Act ( proceedings which relate to care , supervision , contact , child assessment , emergency protection and recovery orders ) ; ( ii ) applications under Part III of the Act ( secure accommodation orders and approval to the emigration of children in care ) ; ( iii ) any application for a residence order under s8 in relation to a child in care ; ( iv ) any family proceedings in which the court has made a direction for investigation under s37(1) ( see Chapter 3 , 1(b) ) and has either made or is considering whether to make an interim care order .
20 If this vacuum is filled , however episodically , by the use of disinhibiting substances , then whatever hold the child had on disciplined , co-operative behaviour is likely to be undermined .
21 Not every piece of work a child undertakes needs to proceed through successive stages of drafting .
22 Morathi bears Aenarion a child , Malekith , the future Witch King of Naggaroth .
23 The House of Lords decisively rejected Mrs. Gillick 's contentions and held that at common law a child of sufficient intelligence and understanding ( the ‘ Gillick competent ’ child ) could consent to treatment , notwithstanding the absence of the parents ' consent and even an express prohibition by the parents .
24 However , the Court of Appeal decided in Burton v Islington Health Authority [ 1992 ] 3 WLR 617 that at common law a child en ventre sa mρere and unborn at the time of the defendant 's negligence has a cause of action for injuries caused by that negligence .
25 Moreover , all pupils were to be subject to annual tests in reading , writing and arithmetic , administered by HMI , and 2s. 8d. ( approximately 14p ) was to be deducted from the grant for each test a child failed .
26 Without a safety seat , in a crash a child would have little chance of survival .
27 Under this Act a child born alive , but suffering from a physical or mental defect as a result of something which happened before its birth , has a right of action for damages if the defendant would also have been liable in tort for what occurred to the parent if sued in time .
28 Looking at his reflection a child sees that he has two eyes and one nose , that his mouth is lower than his nose , his ears are at each side of his head .
29 Her voice was soft and low ; her complexion a child 's .
30 The questions to be asked in relation to adoptive parents are : first , whether they can successfully parent a child and develop deep attachments to it without a feeling of ‘ entitlement ’ or of being in charge and whilst there are continued visits or contacts by birth parents or birth relatives .
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