Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] to create " in BNC.

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1 Work towards quality award helped to create greater teamwork
2 X and the defendant agreed to create a limited company in order to run the defendant 's restaurant .
3 Labour has to create a state system which is so good that no one will want to send their children anywhere else . ’
4 We have been exploring the idea that Protestantism helped to create a climate in which the scientific enterprise could gain momentum .
5 International tourism is now a highly sophisticated and competitive industry and the review needs to create a mechanism capable of producing a co-ordinated overall strategy for the development of tourism in Scotland .
6 Snow-making machines will be blowing out foam-based snow to try to create an early Yuletide atmosphere while trying to tempt shoppers into their stores .
7 This is part of the ideological pedagogy which the institution uses to create and maintain defensive boundaries against the outsider or those who might produce a critical analysis of its systems ; it is one major strength of the organization .
8 After investigation , the Commission identified a distinct geographic reference market , limited to Great Britain , in which the concentration threatened to create or strengthen a dominant position .
9 The Department aims to create a disciplined and enjoyable working environment , where the study of History is a stimulating and rewarding learning experience .
10 The government thought it had solved the problem by ruling that , in disputed cases , ‘ important ’ investment needed to create jobs should be allowed to proceed and that former owners would have to accept compensation .
11 Today most fusion research aims to create the conditions under which deuterium ( D ) and tritium ( T ) — two isotopes of hydrogen — can fuse to yield a neutron and an ion of helium-4 .
12 The difficulty with all policy-oriented research is that it begins by defining ‘ problems ’ and then by investigation helps to create that which lt wishes to observe' This type of research helps to create a cognitive revolution in its subjects and thus produces its expected findings .
13 The BT–13 could be reworked as the Val with major modifications , while Canary cleverly envisioned mating the forward fuselage section of the AT–6 with the aft fuselage of a BT–13 and splicing in two fuselage plugs to create the elongated Kate fuselage .
14 Including them as elements of the rule serves to create uncertainty over its application .
15 149 ( 3 ) A term , at a rent or granted in consideration of a fine , limited after the commencement of this Act to take effect more than twenty-one years from the date of the instrument purporting to create it , shall be void , and any contract made after such commencement to create such a term shall likewise be void ; but this subsection does not apply to any term taking effect in equity under a settlement , or created out of an equitable interest under a settlement , or under an equitable power for mortgage , indemnity or other like purposes .
16 They work alongside scientists from all over Europe on an experiment trying to create energy from nuclear fusion .
17 However , almost as soon as we 've come to terms with its limitations , the penis decides to create a whole new set of trails and tribulations for its owner .
18 Belief in uniformity tended to create uniformity .
19 The disc comes with Frombats own editor , so you can type in your batch commands to create a menu , scroll screens , print large fonts etc. then while still in the editor you can run the program .
20 Management has to create a workable structure for collaboration , taking into account the objectives of all the various interest groups or ‘ stakeholders ’ in the organisation .
21 If marriage exists to create some kind of secure relationship , from which flow mutual rights and expectations , and to provide a stable environment for raising children , if there be any , but is not predicated solely on the opportunity for intercourse , then it can legitimately be extended to cover the union of two persons , one of whom is an operated transsexual .
22 According to Solomin , the Exchange intends to create an effective market structure within the culture and art world .
23 If the BB was intent upon creating Christian men and displaying the manliness of Christianity , its Anglican counterpart wished to create conservative and patriotic Christian men .
24 Livingstone argues , correctly , that the attempts by the European left to create ‘ a progressive and democratic Europe ’ are incomplete , but then back in Wapping mode he argues that a ‘ fascist and racist right ’ is now replacing ‘ democracy and civilised politics ’ in Europe .
25 The ease with which a probabilistic analyser can be created contrasts sharply with the immense amount of work required to create a comprehensive generative grammar .
26 I am sure much of it could be billed and relocated this winter to begin to create a new landscaped edge to the extension .
27 He spoke quietly , but Granny wanted to create a scene .
28 The St Rollox site in Springburn , one of the biggest projects involving GDA support , is a £25 million redevelopment of the former railway engine works to create a retail and business park , incorporating a major new investment by Royal Mail .
29 Each team has to create its own routine which has to include mandatory starburst , jumping jacks , domino sequence and freezing techniques .
30 The Community wants to create bureacratic machinery for joint arbitration of disputes .
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