Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] arrive " in BNC.

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1 The space-age has arrived too , in the shape of ultra-modern satellite TV coverage , and electronic net-cord judges .
2 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
3 The moment for the denouement has arrived .
4 But now that America 's recession has arrived , testing his view , the consensus has moved towards him .
5 Some misunderstanding arises about the overlap during the afternoon period , because within this period one group of staff will have to take lunch when the afternoon shift arrive on duty and the others to take tea before the early shift goes off duty .
6 Under the terms of the agreement , representatives from these five countries would help oversee the movement of millions of tonnes of grain and other food aid expected to arrive at South African ports .
7 The mellifluous and mysteriously ventriloquial call of the cuckoo is a sign that spring has arrived .
8 Out at sea , apart from the lengthening days , only changes in bird life suggest that spring has arrived .
9 The orange tip butterfly is a sure sign that spring has arrived .
10 Spring has arrived . ’
11 The very fact that multimedia is becoming such an intense area of activity today suggests that , at least in the view of hardware and software developers , the technological capability has arrived .
12 When Blanche 's trunk has arrived Stanley looks through it to try to prove to Stella that Blanche has sold Belle Reve and bought herself pearls and diamonds and a huge selection of clothes .
13 Oh , and did you know that a stranger has arrived to see you ? ’
14 Men will say ‘ I love you ’ to get women into bed with them ; women will say ‘ I love you ’ to get men into marriage with them ; both will say ‘ I love you ’ to keep fear at bay , to convince themselves of the deed by the word , to assure themselves that the promised condition has arrived , to deceive themselves that it has n't yet gone away .
15 But only $10m in foreign investment has arrived in the country .
16 Not only does it set you free to live in the present but you had better start enjoying it , because — at the age of 40 or 50 or whatever — this is it , the future has arrived !
17 That is perhaps strongest in California , where the feeling takes the form that the future has arrived before it was due .
18 This messes up our whole routine , especially when we have to make numerous trips to the pigeon holes to see if the mail has arrived , not to mention putting the post room in a turmoil .
19 ‘ The ambulance has arrived , and you ca n't do anything more . ’
20 Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a dialogue with the Revenue and have nothing to hide , he admitted that they got ‘ very upset ’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving .
21 The artillery began to arrive the following day , large and small , but none , so far as the Scots could see , more powerful than their own .
22 The first pack of Desert Rats is now trying to cope with the soaring heat of Saudi Arabia ; about four hundred troops in the seventh armoured brigade began arriving there today in an air lift from Germany .
23 These links were crucial , given the numerical strength and revolutionary role of the CNT and the leverage available to the Communists once Soviet aid began to arrive in October .
24 Messages of condolence began arriving in New Delhi on May 22 from a host of world leaders .
25 ‘ A boat did arrive last night , after Hector Luath had gone to his bed .
26 Daylight was just around the corner however , but by the time daylight did arrive , although she and her pride were very much certain that she 'd see Vendelin Gajdusek in hell before she ever spoke to him again , certain other practicalities had entered her head .
27 Within months , an Indian side had arrived in Harare to play the first historic Test and a reciprocal tour is being negotiated .
28 Sidacai and the remaining Altun who were to ride with the command had arrived several days earlier , but since his return he had spoken to none of them .
29 And by coincidence , his letter of condolence had arrived .
30 By the time Bodie reached the dusk-lit Embassy in Kensington , the limousine had arrived at its front steps .
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