Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] page " in BNC.

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1 After a 12.5% SDS PAGE , proteins were transferred to nylon membranes and revealed by antibodies to C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β ( gift of Dr. McKnight ) or to IL-6-DBP/NF-IL6β ( 22 ) .
2 Bacteria were grown , expression from the T7 plasmids induced and crude extracts were prepared by ammonium sulphate precipitation and analyzed on 12.5% SDS PAGE .
3 Oh there we go , that was mistake number one George dear have you read the er holiday page at all ?
4 Kirsten Matz , Expressen 's money page editor , said : ‘ It proves that sheer luck has a great deal to say about the stock market . ’
5 PLATE IV Leopold 's contents page to a volume containing nine of Mozart 's Salzburg symphonies composed between 1773 and 1774 .
6 John Canaday , the incoming editor of the newspaper 's art page and responsible for the dismissal , had made a challenge to a climate of opinion in which Dore Ashton 's criticism was valued for its sensitivity , and where the art which she praised was accepted .
7 But despite Rumens 's wit and some good supporting acting , this gets to be little more than one of those stories that might grace Woman Now 's problems page .
8 Clinton 's pledge Page 5
9 I think it 's more when we actually see people doing it , but it 's all , it 's a nice idea to give you a little bit of basic just to think about , and again we wo n't be expecting this to be demonstrated to the on this afternoon 's role page , you done all your preparations for that have n't you .
10 Oliver Gillie , deputy editor of The Independent Magazine and formerly medical editor of the newspaper , won a special award for the paper 's health page , in yesterday 's first presentation of the Caroline Walker awards , created in memory of the campaigning nutritionist who died last year .
11 Other winners of the award , sponsored by Reckitt and Colman , included Cherrill Hicks , a freelance journalist who works on The Independent 's health page , for her book Who Cares ; Looking After People at Home .
12 Our very own Oliver Gillie won a special award in the media category for the paper 's health page , which he edited before moving on to become deputy editor of The Independent Magazine , and the overall winner was James Erlichman , The Guardian 's consumer affairs correspondent .
13 KATIE 'S PROBLEM PAGE The puppy-farming plague
14 Katie 's Problem Page
15 If you have any problems or questions about your pet , please write to Katie 's Problem Page , Dogs Today , 10 Sheet St , Windsor , Berkshire , SL4 1BG .
17 Katie 's PROBLEM PAGE
18 If you have any problems or questions about your pet , write to Katie 's Problem Page , Dogs Today , 10 Sheet Street , Windsor , Berks , SL4 1BG .
20 Katie 's PROBLEM PAGE
22 For the latest Festival box office information consult Ulster Television 's Oracle page 248 available 24 hours a day .
23 Mrs Donaldson , in last month 's letters page , certainly seems to have the right idea .
24 At the time NME 's letters page was full of hysterical prose from students concerned about the spectre of dance music .
25 Our reader 's letters page in this issue and earlier issues reflects the affection by which her British fans hold Steffi and her fan club membership endorses that popularity .
26 Erm page page
27 But an A4 fax page contains 800,000 bits and a high-resolution 24 colour picture more like 100 million .
28 Share your gardening views and stories on our readers ' letters page .
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