Example sentences of "[modal v] produce [art] " in BNC.

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1 Driving licences and permits — All drivers must be at least 21 years of age ( 23 in Greece ) and must produce a valid national driving licence , held for at least a year , when taking delivery of the car .
2 This means , among other things , that the electoral system should be one that does not effectively disenfranchise large sections of the citizenry , while at the same time it must produce a government that will be both effective and accountable .
3 Because planning is by definition interfering in the unfettered use of land and buildings , to be justified and accepted by the general public it must produce a ‘ better ’ answer than a free market would .
4 In order for conception to take place , a man must produce a very large number of motile spermatozoa .
5 To shorten the odds on reproducing itself it must produce a significant crop of attractive fruit , but it can not do this without the framework on which to hang and parade its wares .
6 The sub-contractor must produce a current 714 tax certificate before payments are made without deduction of tax .
7 After Ali Reza 's death she insisted that the Shah must produce a son and Heir .
8 When the system is decelerating the motor must produce a negative torque and therefore each phase must be switched on after the rotor has passed the phase equilibrium position .
9 Mr Lamont knows he must produce a confident up-beat budget if he is to avoid being sacked in the next Cabinet reshuffle .
10 Lester 's direction , despite his operational mode , which is something akin to silent film lensing ( each day 's lensing must produce a completed ‘ bit ’ ) , is finally approaching the ability to collect sight gags into a cohesive and structured whole .
11 As reports flood in [ in this case they are drawn from contemporary accounts ] groups must produce a front page story about the cholera .
12 It is the home of Harry Hardcastle ( Greg Hicks ) and his wife , Clara St Clare Hardcastle ( Miss Miles herself ) , impoverished gentry who must produce an heir before they can get their hands on a mysterious trust fund .
13 One must produce an equivalent in colour .
14 Failing the development of a vaccine for human beings to protect themselves against malaria , or a ‘ one-shot ’ radical drug , or a long-lasting preventative medicine , the control of the mosquito vector must produce the greatest benefit to the greatest number in the shortest time .
15 If war is to be understood in these terms , any victory worthy of the name must produce the defeat of the opposing class as well as its state .
16 Quantum theory must produce the same goods in the large-scale domain as those of Newtonian mechanics which works so well .
17 It does not imply that the government must produce the goods itself .
18 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
19 Lord Hailsham , a former Lord Chancellor , said it was paradoxical that a Government dedicated to privatisation should produce a bill whose object was to nationalise the judiciary and the legal profession .
20 Mr. E.J. Pryer , The Chief Land Register at the Land Registry commented : ‘ TransAction ’ together with the steady improvements being effected by the Registry , should produce a speedier conveyancing service for the public . ’
21 In theory , this should produce a list of the least harmful cuts from which the Secretary of State can choose , if he fails in his bid for more resources .
22 It is crucial to the success of the new format that the pitches themselves should produce a fair balance between bat and ball .
23 They pointed out that the conditioning phase of a latent inhibition experiment involves a treatment ( a change in the outcome of the target stimulus — the presentation of a US ) that , according to the theory , should produce a change in the value of α .
24 This should produce a widening of the upper part of the chest .
25 Both his grandfather and father were stationmasters in Great Eastern Railway territory so it is suitable that he should produce a pictorial survey of British railway stations .
26 For the term obtained from equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , in the real image term of equation ( 6 ) , if r is not equal to a substrate atom position β i in a transform , the summations give rise to a small value because the scattering factors and the exponents are oscillating complex functions in the transform ; when r is equal to tend to cancel out the scattering path length contributions and the scattering factors to unity , and summations should produce a large value .
27 For each major sub-system ( i.e. a sub-system for which system testing is scheduled to take longer than one month ) , the Test Manager should produce a Test Case Report every two weeks during system test .
28 It 's based on an allowance of 1200cals a day , which should produce a good , steady rate of weight loss for most moderately overweight women ( men should allow an extra 300cals a day ) .
29 This should produce a comprehensive DTP system capable of producing professional leaflets , flyers or an in-house newsletter or magazine .
30 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
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