Example sentences of "[modal v] remain [art] " in BNC.

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1 And let us hope that the reader , on summing-up this look into the past at the Gorbals of yester-year , may say : ‘ These were real people , ordinary men and women , whose passage through the Gorbals not only added colour to a drab area of this Scottish city , but whose presence may remain a lasting influence for good . ’
2 Just as within states murder may remain a crime even if not all possible murder weapons are specifically identified in the laws , so between states indiscriminate slaughter may remain a crime even if nuclear weapons are not specifically mentioned in the laws of war .
3 Just as within states murder may remain a crime even if not all possible murder weapons are specifically identified in the laws , so between states indiscriminate slaughter may remain a crime even if nuclear weapons are not specifically mentioned in the laws of war .
4 For such domains separate dictionaries may remain a necessity .
5 I do hope I may remain a member ?
6 If the purpose of the annexation be for the better enjoyment of the object itself , it may remain a chattel , notwithstanding a high degree of physical annexation .
7 Obviously positive inflation may remain a feature of this hypothetical economy even if it is operating at the natural unemployment rate ( i.e. owing to the persistence of inflationary expectations .
8 Culture or social structure may change and child-rearing may remain the same .
9 While communication education may remain the priority of the Animation Programme , it is hoped that it may take on board also other concerns of the Forum Sector , while not excluding assistance with projects .
10 They hold that the revelation was given through the cultural medium of one particular time , and that while the message may remain the same ( for example that one should love one 's neighbour ) this may require a different expression in a different age .
11 The song may remain the same , but the advice has well passed its sell-by date .
12 But while Mr Schalck-Golodkowski 's innocence or guilt must remain a matter for the courts , the detention of his friend and lawyer , Mr Wolfgang Vogel , clearly was in breach of the law .
13 But while Mr Schalck-Golodkowski 's innocence or guilt must remain a matter for the courts , the detention of his friend and lawyer , Mr Wolfgang Vogel , clearly was in breach of the law .
14 How Dustin would have managed to submit himself to a real auteur like Bergman must remain a matter for conjecture .
15 ‘ You can still have a wish , ’ said Zach , ‘ when you cut the cake , only you must n't talk till after you 've made it and it must remain a secret else it wo n't come true and … . ’
16 As part of these guidelines Amnesty ‘ must remain a broadly based and self-supporting organization ’ .
17 ‘ The Stealers must remain a secret from our multitude of worlds , save for leaders who need to know , lest confusion spreads . ’
18 At the same time we argued that private morality or immorality was a private affair and therefore that ‘ there must remain a realm of private morality or immorality which is … not the law 's business ’ .
19 Unless a deliberate attempt is to be made by society , acting through the agency of the law , to equate the sphere of crime with that of sin , there must remain a realm , a sphere of private morality and immorality which is , in brief and crude terms , not the law 's business .
20 As ‘ something essentially unattainable ’ , their dualism But it can not be , their ‘ nearness … must remain a distance ’ , this ‘ distance which nevertheless to an infinite degree approaches their becoming-one ’ — remains a distance .
21 The second is that the name of the person who has been so generous to you must remain a secret , until that person chooses to tell you .
22 Preserving such diversity in the context of diminishing INSET budgets and the trend to school-led INSET is going to become increasingly difficult , but since it is very much in the interests of the professional health of the teaching force it must remain a priority .
23 Why he did not pay the full amount must remain a mystery .
24 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
25 However , it must remain a background thought in our minds and not be an obstacle to our concentration on the melodic creation .
26 This work may be representative of much LEA adult education activity with unemployed people , but unfortunately the paucity of action-research evidence means that this must remain a hypothesis .
27 He commented rather wryly : ’ Whether or not the delay of almost 6 months was procrastination must remain a matter of opinion . ’
28 He declared that " the Loire must remain a free and living river , where only its excesses are brought under control " .
29 In a wide-ranging parliamentary debate on right-wing violence on Dec. 10 , Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl said : " The use of violence must remain a taboo in our society .
30 However , because all the cards bearing messages of sympathy had been removed , exactly who had sent flowers other than his immediate family , and whether there was one from the infamous Kray twins , must remain a mystery to all but the Thompsons themselves .
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