Example sentences of "[modal v] go up " in BNC.

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1 PUBLIC sector rents should go up to reflect the higher value of houses or flats in desirable areas , Mr Chris Patten , the Environment Secretary , said yesterday .
2 ‘ Well then , if we want to say goodbye to the old country , we should go up on deck , ’ Ernest suggested .
3 Perhaps you should go up and have a word with her , make sure … ! ’
4 Around her the congregation rustled to its feet , indicating that she should go up to the communion rail first , as was fitting , as was customary .
5 The Hard Rock Cafe shares should go up to £1.60 in about four to six months .
6 And , and er he wondered about whether he should go up to Klondike or not .
7 Maybe , she thought , I should go up there and offer myself to him .
8 And I was just told me I should go up to I just needed a .
9 The entire stock of the nation 's glasses turns over in two years so there is no reason why this measure should result in any implementation costs or why the price of a pint should go up .
10 Does the fact that half of the sample of Conservative Members said that there should be no change in income tax in this Budget invalidate a survey in which well over half the hon. Lady 's colleagues who were consulted said that the basic rate of income tax should go up ?
11 Let's have it in black and white , are you saying that the Council Tax should go up by many , many pounds ?
12 Now the system at the moment seems to be er suggested by the government that V A T should go up and those that really need the money will be if not wholly , mainly compensated , they will of course get another rise if the cost of living goes up because their pensions will go up .
13 Well I would , I should go up there and have a word with Carole and Brian cos they sit on their own all christmas virtually !
14 You should go up there one day cor oh .
15 should go up there .
16 Should go up see them .
17 I must go up onto t'moor and get the sheep down before they get buried . ’
18 I must go up . ’
19 Though Mr Major went on record again and again during the election campaign to forecast a steady drop in taxes over four or five years , Ministers admit privately that the bill must go up , not down , in the spring Budget .
20 Regulations said that instructors must go up periodically , but he was always glad when they touched down .
21 ‘ They must go up , and they could go to 12 or 13 per cent .
22 Philip had climbed up into the attic — she must go up and help him , stand by him , or he would start feeling ill again .
23 Mad dogs , mad cyclists , mad kids hurling sticks at conker trees and forgetting that what must go up must come down , or , more likely , not caring either way .
24 I must go up again . ’
25 ‘ I really must go up to Harriet 's tonight . ’
26 Then Lili said , ‘ I must go up and change . ’
27 It absolutely must go up . ’
28 ‘ People must go up there even in winter .
29 I decided I must go up to Addis Ababa and try to get permission to start again , but I had little hope of succeeding .
30 This must go up on the wall ! ’ and stick his latest painting up with Sellotape alongside the daubs by the mentally handicapped group she had played for at Christmas , and the postcards from her friends all over the world .
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