Example sentences of "[modal v] be shown " in BNC.

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1 Mercy should be shown to the contrite , but the community needed to be reassured that the contrition was genuine .
2 Young people who find themselves on probation for shop-lifting , vandalism or petty thuggery should be shown where the path of crime may lead .
3 Yet she argues in ‘ August 1746 ’ that the rebels should be shown mercy [ see ML , 2 , 61–63 ] ; one did not , however , need to be a Jacobite to object to the blood sports of public execution .
4 They should be shown how to put together material from a number of different sources and to make a synthesis .
5 They should be shown that many texts make assumptions about knowledge shared by the author and reader .
6 ( ii ) They should be shown how to locate material from a range of sources , eg subject-specific reference books , adult encyclopaedias and databases , how to select material by deploying the appropriate reading strategy , how to evaluate it and how to draw it together into a coherent package .
7 They should be shown how to interpret and evaluate characterisation , ideas and themes across the range of texts , how to cross-refer between texts , and how to make comparisons .
8 ( iv ) They should have opportunities to write personal letters to real , known recipients and should be shown how to set them out .
9 They should be shown how to set out and punctuate direct speech , using inverted commas and commas .
10 In revising and proof-reading they should be shown how to check the spelling of difficult words in a dictionary .
11 They should be shown how it may primarily be either an artefact in its own right or a means of conveying information ; how it functions as a tool of thought and as a creator of human relationships ; how it can be stored and readily transmitted across time and distance .
12 Specific criticisms included the view that coverage of Business Questions ( coming immediately after the Prime Minister on Thursdays ) was excessive ; that there was too much coverage of points of order ; that too much attention was paid to the confrontation between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition ; that not enough attention was paid to legislation ; and that more should be shown of the nuts and bolts of the House 's work .
13 One further point is worth remembering ; the root definition is concerned with what is being achieved , not how it is done , and any inclusion of a ‘ how ’ statement should be shown as a constraint , eg improving productivity by the use of incentive bonus schemes .
14 ( 1 ) But if they have actually been sold by the creditor , the heir will be compelled to pay over their price , unless a contrary intention of the deceased should be shown by the heir .
15 If a testator has left a legacy of something belonging to him and has alienated it as a consequence of urgent necessity , the trust can be claimed unless it should be shown that the testator intended to adeem it : moreover proof of changed intention is to be required from the heirs .
16 In the early stages a higher proportion of errors will occur , but these should be shown to have value in the process of reaching a solution .
17 Under FRS 3 , the profit or loss on the disposal of an asset should be shown in the p&l account as the difference between the proceeds and the carrying amount , whether carried at a valuation or cost ( para 21 ) .
18 In the parent company 's own balance sheet , the investment in the associated company should be shown at cost .
19 VAT on acquisitions can be recovered as input VAT in the normal way by including it within box 4 on the VAT return , subject of course to any partial exemption or non-business restriction , but acquisition VAT should be shown as a separate item on the trader 's own VAT account .
20 These three specific types of item that should be shown separately on the face of the p&l account after operating profit and before interest are : profits or losses on the sale or termination of an operation ; costs of a fundamental reorganisation or restructuring having a material effect on the nature and focus of the reporting entity 's operations ; and profits or losses on the disposal of fixed assets ( although not those profits or losses that are in effect no more than marginal adjustments to depreciation previously charged ) .
21 In order not to divert attention from the components of performance of the total of recognised gains and losses for the period , if included as a primary statement , the reconciliation should be shown separately from the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
22 It can be argued that the cash outflow in respect of the reorganisation costs relates to the acquisition of a subsidiary , and should be shown under investing activities .
23 If there is any doubt about the particular standard heading to which a specific cash flow should be allocated , then ‘ it should be shown under the most appropriate standard heading ’ ( para 14 ) .
24 BBC-1 bosses , inflicting this on our screens in the new Good Morning show , should be shown being force-fed with porridge as so-called celebrities read out the honeyed words .
25 Mrs Whitehouse was also centrally involved in two major public campaigns which had at their heart questions of sex education and , in particular , what children should be shown or told .
26 The following should be shown for each change listed :
27 Far from flinging him out , you would rather discuss what has gone wrong and try to put it right ( apart from women in the North , who feel more strongly that their errant man should be shown the door ) .
28 To remedy this , he suggests that arts education must be shown to be " vocational " , which is to say that arts should be shown to provide education for living , acting , doing , knowing , thinking , and enjoying .
29 Science as it is presented in schools , he argues , seems irrelevant to most 13–16-year-olds , and if we are to recruit more pupils into scientific careers , then science should be shown to have some relationship to the issues that concern them .
30 iii ) No evidence of excessive drinking or drunkenness should be shown .
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