Example sentences of "[modal v] throw [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also , you may throw on the fire something that gives off toxic fumes .
2 Our combined age is 151 so we think we can cope with any problems life may throw at us ! ’ he jokes .
3 Sometimes , the estate agent 's particulars are not very explicit about what is included and what is not , and in any event , sellers may change their minds , or may throw in certain items such as carpets and curtains in the course of the negotiations to settle a price .
4 His hairstyle consultant must throw in a Tom Selleck moustache twirl for free .
5 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
6 For a moment Broadman 's face looked as though some vast internal struggle was going on , and then he added with a burst of generosity , ‘ I 'll throw in yours , too . ’
7 And as he said it , shifty-eyes-with-dandruff ( and I 'll throw in bad breath ) put out a hand for my arm .
8 We 'll exchange your seven horses for twelve of our timbers , and we 'll throw in a quantity of barrels , I think .
9 The issue of additionality was discussed at some length because of the light it might throw on whether there was more to Making Belfast Work than hype .
10 Since it was very hot they just put on a loincloth , but when they had visitors they might throw on a leopard skin to look more venerable .
11 ‘ If I 'm to talk to Evelyn Lennox , ’ he said calmly , ‘ I need to brief myself in advance with anything she might throw at me . ’
12 She had planned on being ultra-cool , whatever provocation he might throw at her , and yet at the first word here she was letting him get to her all over again !
13 It leaves no fortune with regard to what the department of the environment might throw at us next year unless they completely lose their marbles , which after all is always possible .
14 You are the last one I 'd throw from a lifeboat . ’
15 Despite much rebuilding and the need for dogged perseverance by Holroyd Smith and his supporters , his conduit line although equipped with primitive electrical apparatus , handled everything Blackpool 's crowds and the sea could throw at it until 1899 , when it was converted to the cheaper overhead line method now used .
16 I was confident of their work and confident of my own ability to cope with anything that this little aircraft could throw at me .
17 I tried the clean channel ( channel 1 ) first and found that , good as its word , it remained clean , surviving all I could throw at it .
18 The outer stood up to everything I could throw at it until a wicked Gogarth chimney thrutch resulted in a nicked sleeve , while the fleece has resisted all but a hot cylinder from the Snowdon Railway !
19 But the comrades were prepared for everything the class enemy could throw at them .
20 The odds are on Sylvester Stallone as ‘ HAUGHEY : Survival Of The Fittest 111 ’ : He took everything they could throw at him … now he 's really mad !
21 He tried to bolster his courage by reciting the reasons for what he was doing : go per cent of them boiled down to a pressing need for money , so pressing that the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage ; the other lo per cent was divided between the desire to do Lorton a good turn and the feeling that the Newleys deserved whatever fate could throw at them .
22 Gould rose to the occasion and , driven by the feverish excitement of a treasure-seeker , surmounted every obstacle Tasmania 's chequered geography could throw at him .
23 Actually , I could throw at the moment but I could n't afford the shoulder seizing up the next day and suddenly finding I 'm out for three months .
24 Chairman Sir Denys Henderson attempted to laugh off the company 's poor performance by cracking jokes with the audience , which consisted of the best that world journalism could throw at him .
25 Paintwork supplied by International for all ten yachts survived the voyage in remarkably good condition , standing up to everything the oceans could throw at it .
26 Wickham recognized the type : willing enough to help but he must be allowed to go back to his friends with the news that his information was so valuable he had been allowed to talk to the man heading the inquiry , and if he could throw in a description of a place as exciting as a newspaper office so much to his credit .
27 His briefer letters to Harry Hooton — avoiding those ‘ terrible letters I used to throw at you last term as it might be from the fruitless monotony of this place ’ — now explain his reading .
28 At the end of an outdoor games session Roger encouraged the pupils to risk themselves by attempting to catch a cricket ball he would throw into the air .
29 Just as the slightest of doubts about him crossed my mind — perhaps during one of his endless lists of the women 's sexual problems — he would throw in a sensible remark about the funding of the National Health Service , or the small amount of time GPs can offer patients , and recovered his credibility .
30 ’ I was thinking only the other day , ’ he went on , ’ that if I did n't have a wife and child to support I would throw in my resignation , take the voluntary redundancy on offer , sell the flat and go .
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