Example sentences of "[modal v] act as " in BNC.

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1 The long drive north may act as a deterrent to some , yet for those willing to make the effort the rewards can be breathtaking .
2 These are not necessarily forces for continuity but they may act as barriers to government attempts to impose a new line of policy .
3 McLean may act as Scotland 's spy .
4 It may act as a decoy , its bright yellow flowers attracting the beetle away from your beans .
5 When a bad habit is well established anxiety alone may act as the stimulus .
6 Particular components of the atmosphere may act as catalysts ; speeding-up chemical reactions that would not otherwise occur so rapidly .
7 Double glazing may act as a deterrent , and may firms fit window locks as standard .
8 During the breakdown of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in plasma , the C-apoproteins are lost from the particle and associate with HDL which may act as a reservoir for them .
9 A new form of treatment , or a new and more enthusiastic doctor , may act as a morale-booster which has a beneficial effect on the immune system — the sort of effect that the psychoneuroimmunologists are currently studying .
10 Ian Taylor speculates that tree clumps may act as a respiratory system , drawing up earth energies and releasing them through the clump 's composite aura , as well as performing the same function with subtle celestial stimuli .
11 This may act as a disincentive to penetrating other national markets .
12 Thirdly , a new church springing up may act as an incentive to older churches to reach out again with the gospel .
13 One possible reason for the cure is that the alcohol may act as an anti-inflammatory agent , stopping symptoms like a runny nose .
14 This threat of takeover may act as an effective discipline in some cases , although it is hard to prove .
15 You may act as a role model and a mentor to others .
16 The relationship of settlements to cemeteries can be considered using the results of large-scale excavations as a control , and the actual distances between such features may act as a guide even when a relationship can not be directly inferred .
17 Its function is not known as yet , but the leaf may serve as mobile camouflage to protect the fish from the eight species of kingfisher which feed along this river or it may act as a ‘ stalking horse ’ as the fish pursues its prey .
18 The ants ' fluids may act as insecticides and keep ectoparasites , such as feather lice , at bay .
19 Grazing by molluscs figured so strongly among the hazards to a clover leaf that it seems reasonable to expect that , in those years when slugs or snails were abundant , they may act as important selective forces within clover populations .
20 Barkaloff said that a Polish government agency is also thinking of developing pen-based applications , and may act as a reseller of the GRiDs to the public sector .
21 While such Parkinsonian notion has an attractive simplicity it has so far eluded empirical verification ( see Blumstein , Cohen and Gooding , 1983 , for the refutation of one such claim ) , it is clear that under certain circumstances capacity may act as a brake on population expansion .
22 There is often a kind of tension between them : the stances for some forms of status ( for example , for masculinity ) may act as barriers to affection .
23 He suggested that Hungary may act as a support centre for Data General 's entire Eastern European operations , while a local manufacturing site could help the company secure more of the large projects currently being financed under the European Community 's PHARE scheme — European-based suppliers are favoured under PHARE criteria .
24 This is a strictly private company in that the issue of a prospectus is prohibited and even a single individual may act as the ‘ founder of the company ’ .
25 Studies of pronuclear division in fertilized eggs are useful for assessing the primary level of chromosome abnormalities , some of which may act as zygotic lethals or become disguised in subsequent cleavages .
26 Transmitter substances appear also to be released at neuromuscular junctions : there is evidence that glutamate is responsible for transmitting excitation from nerves to muscle ( e.g. Beranek and Miller , 1969 ) and that GABA may act as an inhibitory transmitter at these sites .
27 I have argued that if we allow our concept of special educational provision , and hence of the support teacher 's role , to be limited to the ‘ individual ’ approach then the danger is that , not only will our own sights be limited in the measures we adopt to meet special educational needs , but our work may act as a substitute for more fundamental changes that are required .
28 In such cases , the object , in this case building form , may act as a kind of material ‘ ideology ’ , but the meaning of this term is open to considerable dispute .
29 It is also important to note , furthermore , that while the external labour market may act as an incentive for directors to be more diligent , it is not obvious that it will improve the position where they lack flair or are simply inept .
30 If our patients have problems we can not cope with , we usually say so ; we may then simply advise going elsewhere , or we may act as advocates to ensure that the issues are properly taken on by others .
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