Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 We may eventually come to think in terms of a Minoan Universal Spirit , which manifested itself in many different transformations , each with a different name , character , and function , and which yet somehow was regarded as a single deity .
2 As concern for the environment grows , this area may eventually come to rival the Darwinian revolution as a subject for scholarly analysis .
3 Meanwhile for Francesca , like her mother , it 's a case of living from day to day , in the hope medical science may eventually come up with an answer .
4 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
5 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
6 Be careful , señorita , to catch that love when it comes , because it may only come to you once . ’
7 The total value may only come to around £2,000 ; small by recent standards , but the police say the operation was a success .
8 There are clearly — even just for music — a variety of options , and the school must eventually come down for one pattern of timing rather than another .
9 And even if these are all positive , the end must eventually come .
10 I was on the grass below the paddock when Ronnie 's car pulled off the road with a completely inexplicable failure : inexplicable in that Ronnie could find no reason why his car , which had been going so well , should suddenly come to a halt .
11 Says Llewellyn , ‘ If anybody knows it 's a stolen picture , then they should obviously come forward with evidence that this is the case .
12 It should perhaps come as no surprise that the Assessment of Performance Unit ( APU ) in England and Wales has some of the characteristics of the National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NAEP ) in the US ; or that new moves in the UK to establish procedures to make incompetent teachers liable to sanctions ( reported in the Times Educational Supplement .
13 There was no year on the letters , but they must necessarily come after the publication of Ash 's dramatic poems , Gods , Men and Heroes , which had appeared in 1856 and had not , contrary to Ash 's hopes and perhaps expectations , found favour with the reviewers , who had declared his verses obscure , his tastes perverse and his people extravagant and improbable .
14 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
15 I mean I du n no whether it 's because they do n't want to lose votes or you know I mean they they were there sort of pontificating about we should all come little children and let's talk .
16 Uncontroversial and fairly routine questions — not always easy to spot — should normally come at the beginning , leaving personal and more intimate ones for later .
17 In the end she suggested that I should just come and listen , and for politeness ' sake I agreed .
18 Its principal task was to lay the foundations for the governmental structures of post-war Spain , so that , when the end of the war should finally come , the political transition from the Republican to the Francoist state could be effected without any hiatus .
19 Barbara Baines , Esk Road , ‘ I think the buses should still come up here .
20 However , while the resolution of the immediate crises in the user 's life and the provision of a counselling service to help users think objectively about their position may provide the ‘ ideal conditions ’ for coming off , users must still come to terms with their addiction , their lifestyle and whether the alternatives on offer hold sufficient promise .
21 Thomas Malthus , first theorist of the dependency society and the true ancestor of present Conservative policies ( rather than Adam Smith , the preferred model ) , believed that women must always come off worst in the ‘ disgraceful ’ condition of poverty .
22 But the ideals of the purist must always come to grief in the devastating vortex of national politics .
23 ‘ Remember , your career must always come first . ’
24 The bird must always come first , he would tell us over and over again .
25 As emphasized in Section 17.4 , linear stability theory does not in principle predict the type of motion that eventually occurs as a result of this growth — non-linear processes must always come into play before that stage .
26 He added : ‘ There is important work to be done and America must always come first so we will get behind the new president and wish him well . ’
27 Music , therefore , should always come from a single source , not a single loudspeaker but a group of speakers close enough together for the natural sound to leave the platform at the same time as the electronic sound .
28 Each year , the carol ‘ God rest ye merry , gentlemen ’ is sung with the wrong inflection — the comma should always come after ‘ merry ’ .
29 It should always come to two seven two seven should n't it ?
30 Externally-funded posts should always come with funding for the provision of computing services .
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