Example sentences of "[be] a need " in BNC.

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1 So there has always been a need to attach labels to audio media , whether written descriptions on sheets of paper or in some other form .
2 Gagnon and Simon suggest that : ‘ To earlier societies it may not have been a need to constrain severely the powerful sexual impulse in order to maintain social stability or limit inherently anti-social force , but rather a matter of having to invent an importance for sexuality' .
3 She loved him deeply , but their relationship had generally been tacit ; there had never been a need for definition , explanations , analyses .
4 Perhaps in the import of systems , more than in any other development in twentieth-century physical geography , there has been a need to learn from such scientific and political neighbours .
5 Since this value system is so pervasive and so accepted there has never really been a need to develop other value systems that arise from actual social situations .
6 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
7 Mr Skinner insisted : ‘ There will always be a need for socialism , whether in Britain or anywhere else , so long as there are millionaires living in the lap of luxury and other people living in cardboard boxes , so long as we have a system which allows the poor countries of the world to hand over $50m to the rich . ’
8 There may also be a need for changes to criminal damage laws to cover viruses and logic bombs which can corrupt and destroy computer data .
9 There seems to be a need to maintain the belief that ‘ straights ’ , grown-ups would be shocked , damaged , altered , if they were around to hear the music .
10 There will be a need at some stage for an international agency large , influential and well staffed enough to oversee and monitor measures to reduce green-house gases and perhaps administer aid funds .
11 There is a clear contrast here between cases of the use of serious force in self-defence , where there may be a need to act instantaneously on a hastily formed view of the situation , and sexual intercourse with another , where consent or non-consent is the essence of the crime and can be ascertained by asking a plain question of the victim .
12 But there still appears to be a need to create a family environment and increasingly , the dog is taking the place of the child .
13 In some cases there may be a need to introduce steps to allow for movement to a higher level .
14 If only we humans were less ambitious , and more tolerant of one another , then there would n't be a need for arms at all , and every mother 's child would be safe .
15 For as long as these conditions persist , and until a comprehensive range of services is developed to cope with the needs of parents with older mentally handicapped children and adults , there will still be a need for mental handicap hospitals , and there will still be young people being admitted to them .
16 We agreed that you would look at this to see whether there will be a need for something along the lines of your proposal once the Resource Book has been published .
17 And this filled the perverse daughter with a great desire to go even a little way into the wild wood , where there were no plates and no stitching , but might well be a need of such things as she knew she had it in herself to perform .
18 Sometimes there may be a need to alternate acids and alkalis with copious intermediate rinsing .
19 There could be a need to check forensic evidence , for example , or to prevent a suspect absconding , or to travel to a far-away police station where the investigation was being conducted , and any of these could take more than a day .
20 The offence must be a ‘ serious arrestable ’ one ; the investigation must be being ‘ conducted diligently and expeditiously ’ ; and there must be a need to secure or preserve evidence or ‘ to obtain such evidence by questioning him ’ [ emphasis added ] .
21 This suggests that there will be a need for much greater government action if age discrimination is to be reduced .
22 There may be a need for transfer of the stock from one to the other , or for duplication for both sections of titles which are only held in one .
23 In a major emergency , for example , there might be a need to supply blood products held at regional blood banks to hospitals .
24 What is already clear is that in order to discharge some areas of responsibility there will be a need for an increase in personnel such as inspectors , and additional support for financial management and monitoring .
25 But it is going to be necessary because , by the time the later subjects come on stream , there will certainly be a need to look at the first ones again , such as maths and science .
26 In practical terms , the audit process can be summarised as a sequence of stages ( Fig 13.4 ) although , like the SSM , these should be regarded as guidelines rather than prescriptive , as there may be a need to refer back to earlier activities and make adjustments as the audit progresses .
27 With devolution there would be a need to provide more services one provided by East Hampshire .
28 As mentioned above , a comprehensive programme should be prepared for the whole job , but when the contractor is appointed he will prepare his own contract programme and there will inevitably be a need to adjust the surveyor 's programme in order to harmonise with the activities of the contractor .
29 Four is a much more logical number and if the hobby is to be taken very seriously , with regular work for the ferrets available , there could well be a need for six .
30 Throughout the network there would be a need to attend to the litter problem , perhaps through the provision of more bins and heavy fines for littering .
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