Example sentences of "[be] the size " in BNC.

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1 However , 50 million years ago creatures would look much less like they do today : for example horses would have been the size of wolves and have had only three toes .
2 They are the size and shape of chipolata sausages but the most extraordinary colour , slaty metallic blue .
3 Go past the hugh boulders — some are the size of double decker buses — and ascend into the left col between the main summit of An Casisteal and Sgor Chionasaid .
4 They turned out to be totally placid ; just as well , since they are the size of hornets .
5 The body louse may lay its eggs in clothing or bedding , while the head louse , like the crab louse , cements its eggs on to hairs forming ‘ nits ’ , which are the size of a pin-head and can just be made out with the naked eye .
6 What the complaints will be about are the size of the bills , for throughout most of the South they will be even higher than the hated poll tax .
7 If you were to script this sequence , these are the size descriptions that you would write down against each of the shots .
8 The females , some of whom are the size of a dustbin lid , lay their eggs in the sand under about 18 in ( 45 cm ) of water .
9 The dry-ice pellets can vary in size , density , and hardness ( for the nuclear waste job , they are the size of rice grains ) ; the spray-gun nozzle can be designed to vary the flow and pressure of the stream .
10 The two other main decisions that have to be made at the design stage are the sizes of type and the style in which it is set .
11 I am afraid I am cynical enough to believe this is just another round of a giant game of poker , where the only thing that will matter in the end will be the size of the cheque .
12 Whatever the desirable size of a library 's stock , the practical starting point for this kind of decision must be the size of the library building itself , and other factors are subordinated to it except on the rare occasions that new libraries are planned .
13 Undaunted by Sony 's arrival in the market , the New Zealander thinks that the electronic stills camera will be the size of a credit-card calculator in 10 years ' time .
14 Key variables were thought to be the size of the selected area , the population characteristics and the traffic structure .
15 There are many different types of crystal — often they build up to form bladder stones which can be the size of a tennis ball !
16 Unemployment and inflation have increased in one country after another and two of the most volatile and destabilising elements in our economies have turned out to be the size of the public sector deficit and the rate of growth of the money supply .
17 For many of us , though , it 's more likely to be the size and model of our company car and the allocation of a reserved parking space that acts as an advert for our status .
18 Owing to the scale of the former , artefacts needed to be the size of pantomime props to appear remotely in proportion , and I had acquired them accordingly .
19 It could be the size of an alligator .
20 Researchers from Hitachi Europe Ltd 's Cambridge Laboratory , working with Cambridge University 's Microelectronics Research Centre claim to have fabricated a memory cell that uses a single electron to store one bit , vastly reducing the power that would be required by huge-capacity memory chips — a device the size of a silver dollar could store 1T-bits while drawing just 0.1W : in current technology it would be the size of a tennis court and dissipate 10KW .
21 Erm I think that Vince has raised of very personal questions that we have ask about this erm the question of local accountability of the health authority board that will be created by this the to service this new joint health authority , would in fact , be the size of the existing one for West Essex and we would ha , have only a third of the representation that we currently have the whole of West Essex we 'll only have two non- executive members on the health authority board and I do n't think that that is terribly accountable but certainly a considerable reduction on what we 've got at the moment .
22 Finding it , and telling him bluntly , ‘ That 's going to be the size of an egg soon ! ’ she pulled her hand away again and found touches of blood .
23 In real life the playing are would be the size of a small village and every inch must be searched if you are to capture the flag .
24 What does the right hon. Gentleman consider to be the size of the fleet ?
25 Another deciding factor may be the size of your purse .
26 The bath must be the size of a sofa .
27 And the chip will still only be the size of a centimetre or two .
28 The first couple of songs are effective but so-so , the only real interest being the size of Matt 's guitar .
29 He describes Lebna Dengel 's capital as being the size of a town but consisting entirely of tents .
30 Since the school took up so much space on the island , the rugby pitches were the size of tennis courts .
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