Example sentences of "[be] intended for " in BNC.

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1 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
2 The latter had been intended for the scrap-yard a short while earlier .
3 The card had really been intended for those regularly bought by a mad old lady to be laid beside the bust of Karl Marx in his local cemetery .
4 The toffee , too , had been intended for another .
5 In the fourth century BC the Greek city of Cyzicus ( quite near the Bosporus ) made peculiarly archaic-looking coins of electrum , and these seem to have been intended for financing the corn trade between the Black Sea and Greece , as we can surmise from finds of them and from inscriptions .
6 These directives could have been intended for the landscape gardeners , whose services were much in demand at this time and who used roses in their extensive planting schemes to provide unanticipated colour and fragrance for those taking a walk in wilderness greenery .
7 More important , he set about gathering the Wordsworths into the Quantock fold , hastening a visit which must in any case have been intended for the near future .
8 They have been radiocarbon dated to about the 9th or 10th centuries AD and seem to have been intended for use in ceremonies associated with an important priest .
9 The office appointment had been intended for his elder brother Jonas , who appeared to possess the mind of a future attorney .
10 She hardly listened to Mr Lessing 's explanation ; the tutor was his cousin , who had been intended for the Church but proved to have divergent views from his bishop , and had resigned .
11 At first I thought this must have been intended for someone else and began grubbing about in the wastepaper basket to find the envelope .
12 The Terrorist Squad believed it had been intended for the Lord Mayor 's Parade later that day .
13 The recently written Piano Concerto in C , K.503 , may also have been intended for performance there , but none is recorded .
14 Viking is way behind schedule : it had been intended for this quarter , but StorageTek said that based on the present status of the product and schedule estimates it expects IBM-compatible products based on Viking architecture to be available in the second half of 1994 .
15 Much of this would have been intended for re-export , rather than directly for consumption , but as half of England 's total exports by this time were re-exports rather than domestic products the commercial community suffered enough of a loss to show why the English had to be far more concerned about command of the sea than any other country except the Netherlands , and also how fragile that command was before 1700 .
16 Such a performance can only have been intended for entertainment in a programme of venationes and gladiatorial combats .
17 Gloucester claimed that the weapons had been intended for use against him , a story that he was later to use in an attempt to have the captured Woodvilles executed , although Mancini comments that no one took it seriously .
18 Yet with its residual gentility , its variegated forest of a garden where we had practical botany lessons , and the original Victorian mansion building with its labyrinth of poky rooms and winding staircases , it must have seemed that the convent was an accidental inheritance , never really meant for us , and thereby reminding us that we had come into our own ; we had by right something more than had once been intended for us .
19 Illegal shipments seized at customs went round like a kiss at a party — police , SAS , departments like the one Todd ran … then on to the people they 'd been intended for in the first place — the syndicates who brought them down to street level , street prices .
20 She had been intended for a respectable life .
21 She turned from Schmidt and said , ‘ My husband … ’ then immediately turned back , as if unaware of the other car , making it seem that her remark had always been intended for Schmidt .
22 These settings must have been intended for private use since Calvin objected to polyphony in church , but when the Lutherans adopted them , using Ambrosius Lobwasser 's translation of Marot-de Beze ( Leipzig , 1573 ) , their congregations undoubtedly sang the tunes .
23 That system had been intended for some time .
24 Gloucester claimed that the weapons had been intended for use against him , a story that he was later to use in an attempt to have the captured Woodvilles executed , although Mancini comments that no one took it seriously .
25 ( b ) The property must have been intended for private use , occupation or consumption .
26 ‘ A form issued by the Governatorato dello Stato della Citta del Vaticano is used to certify that the products are intended for consumption , ’ he said in his written reply .
27 If we are intended for great ends , we are called to great hazards ; and , whereas we are given absolute certainty in nothing , we must in all things choose between doubt and inactivity , and the conviction that we are under the eye of One who , for whatever reason , exercises us with the less evidence when He might give us the greater .
28 These are intended for returners and will help you develop confidence as well as introduce you to a range of jobs where ‘ late starters ’ are needed .
29 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
30 It has to be stressed that this method of connection is only acceptable if the mains transformer is a type which has accurately matched secondary windings which are intended for use in this way .
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