Example sentences of "[be] held that " in BNC.

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1 Thus if it is held that really we are substances ( Descartes ) , then , it would seem , it must also be held that all we can be aware of in perception are modifications of ourselves , which are , at most , the representations in us of modifications of other substances .
2 But it would not be held that God revealed God 's self to a particular people , or through a particular person , in a certain time in history .
3 In not believing such relations to be wrong , conservatives are going against the whole ethos of the modern world , in which it has increasingly come to be held that humans should be treated as equals .
4 If it is to be held that both women and men find salvation in Christ , then it must be simply ‘ humanity ’ which is of significance as having been taken on .
5 It used to be held that most of the psalms were personal poems of pious Jews after the exile .
6 Consequently , without having to decide whether the right of registration is a retained power or whether the Community could legislate at any time in that field , it must be held that in exercising that competence the member states must comply with the general rules of the E.E.C .
7 Even if the protection of the rights of local fishing communities were capable of falling within the concept of public policy for the purposes of article 56(1) , it must be held that it follows from what has been stated above that the nationality , residence and domicile requirements are disproportionate to that objective .
8 As for the costs in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) , it should be held that the costs incurred by the Kingdom of Belgium , the Commission of the European Communities , the Federal Republic of Germany , the Kingdom of Spain , the Hellenic Republic , the Kingdom of Denmark , Ireland and the United Kingdom , which have submitted observations to the court , are not recoverable .
9 As for the requirement for the owners , charterers , managers and operators of the vessel and , in the case of a company , the shareholders and directors , to be resident and domiciled in the member state in which the vessel is to be registered , it must be held that such a requirement , which is not justified by the rights and obligations created by the grant of a national flag to a vessel , results in discrimination on grounds of nationality .
10 If it were to be held that judicial review for error of law lay against the visitor I fear that , as in the present case , finality would be lost not only in cases raising pure questions of law but also in cases where it would be urged in accordance with the Wednesbury principle ( Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 K.B .
11 In practice , this means that censure motions are possible and questions can be tabled on the general issues where it could be held that the minister ought to have issued a directive .
12 The view might be held that s3 has no application to such a clause , because s3 only applies to clauses under which the proferens purports to be entitled to a performance diffferent from that reasonably expected , whereas the effect of the clause quoted above is to define the performance which may reasonably be expected of the seller , so that the buyer can not reasonably expect any particular delivery date .
13 Such stamps must be used with care ; a stamp may often be illegible and , if so , it may be held that terms contained or referred to in the stamped notice are not incorporated .
14 If an order is then placed , it may be held that the resulting contract incorporates the terms from the catalogue ( etc ) by reference ( see Snow v Woodcroft [ 1985 ] BCLC 52 ) .
15 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
16 The arguments for the increasing assumption of public responsibility for matters hitherto considered more appropriate to the private domain were largely won , it being held that private enterprise and voluntary organizations were either inadequate or inefficient in supplying local services .
17 Throughout it is held that professionals and managers are people and it is people who should be brought to mind whenever such terms as professionalism and professionality or management and managerialism are encountered .
18 It does not seem to matter if these are mixed together in the one preparation whereas in classical homoeopathy it is held that remedies should not be mixed .
19 Dollard et al. ( 1969 ) are generally credited with the formulation of the ‘ frustration-aggression hypothesis ’ whereby it is held that the obstruction of goal-oriented behaviour leads necessarily to aggression .
20 Such anthropological theories are linked to the catharsis theory , whereby it is held that through some dramatic experience the individual ( or group ) sheds itself of pent-up , potentially destructive , emotions to emerge cleansed and ready to deal with daily life in a harmonious manner .
21 Thus if it is held that really we are substances ( Descartes ) , then , it would seem , it must also be held that all we can be aware of in perception are modifications of ourselves , which are , at most , the representations in us of modifications of other substances .
22 Classically it is held that the female optimum depends on how size increases fecundity , whereas the male optimum depends on how size increases mating success .
23 To say this is , it should be noted , is to make a theological point : since it is held that God is the creator , so that what is natural , and what is also found to be the case , must accord with what is God 's intention .
24 It 's a measure of the esteem in which Altman is held that many of the close to 70 stars who appear were willing to commit themselves to a project which so ruthlessly satirizes their very existence .
25 It is held that the market for corporate control in particular enables shareholders to set strict performance standards on management , not , in the terms of Hirschmann 's much-quoted distinction , through ‘ voice ’ ( through the company 's internal control mechanisms ) , but through ‘ exit ’ ( selling their shares ’ ) .
26 The definition of " new tenant or occupier " is discussed in Chief Constable of Tayside v. Angus District Licensing Board , 1980 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 31 where it is held that " new " refers to both tenant and occupier and that at 32 " we are dealing with the removal of the licensee , when he yields up possession to a new tenant or a new occupier/occupant " .
27 See Baljaffray Residents Association v. Milngavie & Bearsden District Council Licensing Board , 1981 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 106 where it is held that a provisional grant of a licence is not " in force " until declared final .
28 Secondly , in an exchange like the following ( from Lyons , 1977a : 668 ) : ( 94 ) A : I 've never seen him B : That 's a lie the pronoun that does not seem to be anaphoric ( unless it is held that it refers to the same entity that A 's utterance does , i.e. a proposition or a truth value ) ; nor does it quite seem to be discourse-deictic ( it refers not to the sentence but , perhaps , to the statement made by uttering that sentence ) .
29 Arising from this it is held that if we are to have forms of science and technology which will be human-enhancing and liberating , make products that are ecologically desirable , conserve energy and materials in the long term , and help human beings rather than maim them , then we will require forms of science and technology which differ radically from those which predominate at the moment .
30 ( p944 ) His Lordship specifically rejected the argument that drivability was the sole test of merchantability and overturned the decision at first instance ( [ 1987 ] 2 WLR 353 ) where it is held that the vehicle was merchantable as its defects did not destroy " the workable character " of the machine .
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