Example sentences of "[be] possible for " in BNC.

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1 Although SAVE believes that alternative uses are possible for most types of buildings , including churches , the Holy Name was an exception and our fears for its future increased with rumours of purchase offers from McDonald 's .
2 Only a few launch dates are possible for Spacelab .
3 A 16-bit computer has two instruction formats : Two schemes are possible for allocating bit patterns to operations : ( a ) One 4-bit pattern ( say 1111 ) in the 4 most-significant bits of an instruction word indicates the second format , while all other 4-bit patterns represent the first format .
4 Census of Production figures are not disagreeable to the spatial levels which are possible for those from the Censuses of Population and Employment .
5 A number of publication strategies are possible for announcing the modifications to classification schemes :
6 The two major problems involved are related to the spelling changes that can occur when morphemes combine and the multiple segmentations that are possible for many words .
7 Rolle says that the first two stages defined in Ego Dormio are possible for actives as well as contemplatives , though he does comment that during the second stage his pupil will want to be alone " to thynk on Criste , and to be in mykel praying " ( 65 – 66.158 – 9 ) .
8 For , suppose we know that the main variable of interest in the study varies much less within strata than overall , then much more precise estimates are possible for this variable .
9 ‘ It would have been possible for him , I think .
10 ‘ Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
11 It might have been possible for Britain to enforce Anglo-American nuclear collaboration by withholding ore stocks , but to have done so would have reduced American production of fissile material to the Soviets ' advantage .
12 At other times it has been possible for an individual to bring foreign coins or bullion to the mint and receive it back as coinage ( minus a fee ) .
13 The villa is very beautiful and large and it has been possible for myself and my baby and my husband to stay together which is a very great privilege and one I did not look to have extended to me .
14 Without this control it would have been possible for a Committee with a bondholding minority to make bad decisions to the cost of the Bondholders .
15 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
16 In the old days before the local government reorganization of 1974 , it had been possible for Local Education Authorities to make their decisions relatively autonomously , with a view to the educational needs of local children , and under the guidance of often very high-powered and imaginative Chief Education Officers .
17 They knew only , as they retraced their steps through the deep woodland of the park , that they could no longer be content at Racedown , even had it been possible for them to remain there .
18 Since December 1981 it has been possible for non-US residents to hold euro-dollar deposits and obtain euro-dollar loans from international banking facilities within the USA .
19 It would even have been possible for the Secretary of State to have a reserve power to insist on ever more names from which to choose .
20 It would not have been possible for the long progression towards the perfect physical being , to have ever occurred at all , if it were encumbered by the constraints of compassion , an emotion which , by the very nature of evolution was completely non-existent before the dawn of civilisation .
21 The Commission so stirred the Poles , that while it had initially been possible for them to buy up Polish estates for German settlement , by 1898 , when the Prussian Landtag voted an additional 100 million marks for the Commission 's use , the Poles had already begun to see the sale of land to the Commission as a crime against the nation and had begun to organise their own agricultural co-operatives and credit unions .
22 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
23 ‘ It would not have been possible for one to sit upon the throne alongside a woman one no longer loved and lived with .
24 It has been possible for her to work there within the family environment , which stimulates not only her own creativity but that of others .
25 Under these circumstances , it would have been possible for a ship sailing south from Thera to dock at Dia , unload and set sail again for destinations to the east or west .
26 Obviously a transfer of allegiance in the feudal way was much less of a strain than the submergence of a national spirit , and there was a great difference between the national spirit of Englishmen and the allegiance to the King of France or to the Great Moghul felt by the inhabitants of New France and of Bengal ; if the inhabitants of Bengal had felt that they were citizens of the nation of Bengal it would hardly have been possible for them to change to feeling they were Englishmen , but for them to feel that they used to owe allegiance to the Nawab of Bengal and now owed it to the British businessmen who had conquered the Nawab was not such a difficult transition .
27 So it would have been possible for the GMC to try to challenge the basis of clinical ecology .
28 It could be improved by including all the results of excavations since 1961 , but this has not been possible for various reasons , the most important of which is that it is no longer the intention to study the results of 367 , but to turn to another event recorded by Ammianus which can be illuminated by this old study and by more recent work .
29 He had , of course , ensured this by demanding the presence of a Polish envoy to discuss them in Berlin before it would have been possible for anyone to get there .
30 We never considered giving up our work with the chimps when the children were born , but it would not have been possible for us to continue without the help of the Africans — I always had two men employed to take care of the children when I went with Christophe into the forest . ’
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