Example sentences of "[be] [art] evidence " in BNC.

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1 There has been no evidence of plasmid-mediated ( ie from cell to cell ) resistance to ciprofloxacin , such as that found to beta-lactam antibiotics , aminoglycosides and tetracyclines .
2 He went on to report that on the previous Saturday , Field 's case had come before Mr.Justice Heath ; three of the four witnesses had been examined and there had been no evidence to prove that the deceased had received blows on her stomach , the diseased state of which organ caused her death .
3 Although tumours in 15–20% patients have responded to fluorinated pyrimidines , in particular 5-fluorouracil , there has been no evidence of improved survival .
4 There had been no evidence to connect Siban with his son 's plot to overturn Nogai 's will .
5 She also told me that there had been no evidence of evictions , but , however hon. Members interpret it , the evidence given to the Select Committee by Mr. Harris of the Association of Metropolitan Authorities was clear .
6 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
7 Although there had been no evidence on their computers of the shapechangers ' craft being on the planet , it had been monitored heading towards this unwelcoming world .
8 Granulomas can be due to a wide variety of causes but other investigations were negative and there has been no evidence of tuberculosis or other infecton on follow-up .
9 There is , however , something of a quantitative scale whereby the more important to us a particular belief may be , the more subtle and even ambiguous will be the evidence for it .
10 The answers do confirm one applicable criterion , namely , whether the relevant regime is able of itself to ‘ exercise effective control of the territory of the state concerned ’ and is ‘ likely to continue to do so ; ’ and the statement as to what is to be the evidence of the attitude of Her Majesty 's Government provides another — to be inferred from the nature of the dealings , if any , that Her Majesty 's Government has with it and whether they are on a normal government to government basis .
11 Well that 's that 's the problem but I think a lot of this will be the evidence we 'll need to show what we 're doing .
12 But where , among the computer discs and tapes , will be the evidence of his own reflections and afterthoughts , or the signs of intervention by other members of the office or household ?
13 ( This implies of course that consciousness in animals is a hypothesis for which there can be no evidence at all unless we resort to anthropomorphism , which we usually do . )
14 The practical problems are that there may be no evidence of violence on the woman 's body , which usually means that the case will be a question of the victim 's word against the defendant 's ; this may lead the police to be sceptical of the woman 's complaint , or may incline the prosecutor to accept a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of indecent assault .
15 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 157 ) agrees that transactions would have been easier if prices were agreed in terms of a base-commodity — whether gold or silver or something else — but there seems to be no evidence of this in the archive tablets .
16 The most important of these is that there seems to be no evidence that people assumed automatic responsibility for their relatives — including parents — who were old , sick , or in some other circumstance where they were unable to work to maintain themselves .
17 In such a case there would be no evidence of ambiguity .
18 The problem here is that , quite apart from the possibility that collusion might be concealed , the observation that firms communicated and appeared to reach agreement need not imply that the collusive outcome was actually achieved ( as in the above bidding example ) , while if collusion is tacit there will be no evidence of communication and negotiation .
19 It will be shown in a later chapter that there seems to be no evidence to indicate that he held that post before holding the kazaskerlik , while there is positive evidence that he held it after holding the kazaskerlik .
20 Though there appears to be no evidence to support Husameddin " s assertion that Molla Fenari actually went in company with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey , the fact that the former dedicated his commentary on the to the latter and praises him fulsomely in the preface suggests a close connection between the two and is a further indication that it was during Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey 's rule ( 1402–19 , 1421–3 ) that Molla Fenari 's sojourn in Karaman occurred .
21 They have been chosen because there seems to be no evidence as to what features of their design would make them suitable for use by children eg in interactive teaching situations .
22 It assumes that there can be no evidence worth discussing concerning the truth of religious beliefs .
23 And there appears appears to be no evidence of er these figures in their in their presentation .
24 ‘ All my work is the evidence of a life , and not the life itself . ’
25 But where is the evidence for that ?
26 Sir : Where is the evidence for Terry Coleman 's vicious and stupid remark ( 5 October ) that one of the results of the Labour Party 's abolition of the grammar schools is the presence of ‘ incoherently illiterate ’ younger delegates at this year 's Brighton Labour Party conference ?
27 The second main question then follows — ‘ Is the evidence reasonable ? ’
28 It is that there is no community to appeal to ; for the phenomenon itself is the evidence that there is more than one community , or a divided community .
29 Sometimes we can get a clue from behavioural data ; an example is the evidence that we compare shapes by rotating their images in our heads .
30 The first of these is the evidence of the rocks from which the remains were recovered .
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