Example sentences of "[conj] to reduce [art] " in BNC.

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1 Usually , if the speed is low , you only have a few seconds either to lower the nose or to reduce the amount of airbrake to avoid a bad landing .
2 The choice , according to such critics , has been either to increase taxes to cover the public spending for the services — which was contrary to the government 's tax-cutting policies — or to reduce the scale of state provision of welfare .
3 For a start , making love does not have to consist of vaginal penetration ; and time spent reassuring , cuddling , caressing , fantasising and laughing together can be enjoyed for its own sake , or to reduce the tension so that you can relax sufficiently to enjoy intercourse .
4 On other occasions , the Provisionals have been hired by property speculators who wished to buy the bombed site cheaply or to reduce the value of adjacent property preparatory to buying it cheaply .
5 The trustee must not , except with the leave of the court , proceed to declare a dividend whilst there is pending any application to the court to reverse or vary a decision of his on a proof or to expunge a proof or to reduce the amount claimed ( r 11.5(2) ) .
6 On Dec. 22 a report commissioned by the government from the Economic Advisory Council advocated controls on imports and argued that currency depreciation and export growth would not be sufficient to stem inflation or to reduce the trade deficit .
7 Hamid 's prosecution caused protests in much of the Egyptian press , and there was particular disquiet due to the fact that the emergency laws introduced in 1981-82 had been resorted to , and that the Prime Minister had not used his prerogative to order a retrial or to reduce the sentence .
8 This limitation forces the investor to accept the level of market risk and the only ways in which this can be avoided are to select defensive ( low beta ) securities or to move out of the equities market into alternative investments or to reduce the market influence by combining equities with the risk-free asset .
9 The Hard Copy Manager may edit the configuration file to allocate more room in the hard copy directory , or to reduce the minimum fill mark of the volumes , or the manager may reduce the number of charge codes for which the run is being made ; the manager may make both adjustments if necessary .
10 The purpose of such terms is often to comply with the terms of the client 's insurance , or to reduce the cost of obtaining insurance cover .
11 However , it is generally acknowledged that to reduce the consumption of fat in our daily diet will almost certainly reduce the risk of heart disease along with other medical conditions .
12 Age Concern believes that a national energy strategy is required to improve standards of insulation and energy conservation and to reduce the high costs of heating which deter poorer consumers from keeping themselves warm .
13 We were able to lower the nose to improve visibility and to reduce the height of the whole car because we no longer had to worry about having the exhaust pipes running under the passenger compartment .
14 It has pledged to end the deeply unpopular draft and to reduce the 80,000-strong army .
15 It has pledged to end the deeply unpopular draft and to reduce the 80,000-strong army .
16 They had two aims : to boost banks ' financial strength , and to reduce the competitive advantage enjoyed by banks in countries with lax capital requirements .
17 They frequently attempted to reduce the basic wage of workers and to reduce the cost of living addition which had been paid throughout the war and in the immediate post-war years .
18 The experiences of other people who are in a similar situation are used to convey to the new group a sense of purpose and to reduce the feelings of helplessness and isolation which are often encountered .
19 These will aim to eliminate non-strategic nuclear weapons from Europe , and to reduce the strategic weapons possessed by the US , the former Soviet Union , Britain , France and China — a vital step towards the day when individual nations ' possession of nuclear deterrents ceases to be necessary .
20 Further , the Prime Minister brought forward the deadline for nominations to the leadership contest to 15 November in order to force the hand of any challenger and to reduce the time available to mount an effective campaign .
21 The arrangement of goods should be such that heavy items and liquids are kept at the lowest levels to avoid unnecessary lifting and to reduce the effect of spillage or container fracture .
22 Write or talk to your local supermarket manager to encourage the store to stock a wider range of organic produce and to reduce the pesticides used by their suppliers .
23 Rather it was precisely to change attitudes , to stress individual responsibility — you 're on your own , do n't expect any help from us — and to reduce the state 's obligations .
24 The use of such organisms , Pickett believes , will help to overcome problems of pesticide resistance in target species and to reduce the hazards of chemical use to beneficial organisms and the environment .
25 These objectives were to improve employment prospects in the inner cities ; to reduce derelict land and sites ; to strengthen the social fabric of the inner city ; and to reduce the number of People in acute housing stress .
26 With population-based contracts , ie contracts to provide a defined population with its full requirements for a specified range of services , the incentive to the provider is to treat as few patients as possible , to undersupply and to reduce the level of service to the minimum specified in the contract .
27 Only the coven leaders had contact with each other to prevent infiltration of spies and to reduce the risk of others being incriminated should one of their number be arrested and interrogated .
28 But the grooves were very shallow by normal disc standards , and to reduce the chances of the stylus being thrown out of the groove , the records were made absolutely flat , and a full quarter of an inch thick so they would be sure to stay that way .
29 Attempts by some Labour-led councils in the 1980s to respond to the demands of the lesbian and gay movement and to reduce the impact of that oppression , led to one of those great hypocritical moral panics which are so characteristic of British public life .
30 The second was to do with the design of the machinery to increase job cycle times and to reduce the extent to which work would be machine paced .
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