Example sentences of "[conj] stood for " in BNC.

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1 The result was mass disorder , attacks by masterless mobs on anything that stood for authority or wealth , and the army 's brutal reaction .
2 The Leeds manager would never have been given air time on general football matters as he was always perceived as someone who was fronting an organisation that stood for the worst things in football .
3 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
4 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
5 I replaced the blanket over his head and stood for a few moments looking at the bodies in their neat little rows .
6 He declined , although a member of GEMA , and stood for the post of national chairman .
7 William 's victories served to divide us for ever from those wretched people whose popish sedition would undermine the fabric of our world and who were known to hate everything Britain was and stood for .
8 When the Eighth Army turned and stood for what was to be the first battle of Alamein , a tiny force consisting of the 11th Field Regiment and a part of the Essex Regiment was rushed to the Ruweisat Ridge with orders to plug the vital gap between the South African positions on the coast and the New Zealanders on the edge of the Quattara Depression .
9 When war broke out , the Foreign Office refused him permission to enlist , so he resigned and stood for Parliament .
10 Then I enjoyed the good Pinewood Studio British film and stood for ‘ The King , ’ at the end of the show .
11 He led to Chelsea 's downfall at Selhurst Park on 30 January 1926 in the cup-tie which set up our attendance record of 41,000 and stood for nearly 40 years , and he took part in the 7–0 annihilation of Luton Town in a replay on 16 January 1929 in what was Palace 's equal best-ever Cup win .
12 He got out but before going to knock at the door , crossed the road and stood for a moment contemplating Ivy Cottage .
13 She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway , the candle flickering in her hand .
14 She got up slowly from the table , washed up the mug , and stood for some time absolutely still , staring .
15 In 1940 Roosevelt broke with tradition and stood for a third term of office .
16 Gbedemah unselfishly withdrew and stood for another seat .
17 I kept on down to the river and stood for a while to watch the coal-barges slide along the black , shiny water .
18 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
19 It has always been I who have calmed her , though sometimes the Sweeper has come in the evening and stood for a while at her cage and she has calmed in his good presence .
20 When he was out of sight she crossed the great court to the gatehouse , passed by the open door apparently without a glance , and stood for some minutes in the gateway , looking along the Foregate , before turning back towards the guesthouse .
21 Raynor came to a stop outside a thick , low door set into the wall , and stood for a moment looking at it , as if summoning up some inner resolve .
22 Fenella slithered down from the horse 's back and stood for a moment in the road , feeling the fingers of mist swirl into her face and touch her skin with damp clammy hands .
23 Charles collapsed like a glove puppet with the hand withdrawn , and stood for a long moment , sagging .
24 Then he turned and stood for a while gazing out at the Pacific .
25 Wycliffe passed through the general office with a word to the two girls and stood for a while in the yard while the timber-lorry drove away and the big double doors were closed behind it .
26 It was at that point that the stranger entered the dining-room , and stood for a moment looking round him as if in search of an acquaintance .
27 She shut the window and stood for a moment , her hands still on the bottom bar of the sash , arrested by a sudden thought .
28 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
29 The farmer got out of his car to open the gate and stood for a moment at the bend in the road .
30 She replaced the phone in Bishop Julian 's hall and stood for a moment indecisively .
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