Example sentences of "[conj] asked for " in BNC.

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1 But no one had any suggestions ; almost everything had been tried , or asked for , or abandoned .
2 Or asked for it .
3 Aitken did not tell Fraser of any suggestion of confidentiality since , as he later affirmed , he did not believe that any undertaking had been given or asked for .
4 He had accosted her in a public place , and yet she had n't screamed , or run , or asked for help .
5 Their own addresses will tactfully neither be used nor asked for .
6 The allocation runs counter to the recommendations of a report last year that asked for greater spending on universities ( see Nature 356 , 9 : 1992 ) .
7 It held passion and fire , it was a kiss of domination that asked for surrender yet promised surrender in return .
8 In 1985 Cox 's paper was timely and asked for shifts in American Irish and British labour politics in a wholly correct way .
9 Leonard could be depressive along with many other poets ( the psycho-endocrinological critique of poetry has yet to be written ! ) ; he could also be uplifting and assertive ; he could , indeed , write ‘ about something ’ to use Faulkner 's phrase from The Bear , and did so to the advantage of large numbers of people who gladly read , and asked for more .
10 It was Don who made the effort ; he bought the local paper and looked at ads for houses ; he phoned estate agents and asked for lists of properties .
11 Bright too had misgivings in this area , particularly about size of the single conductor , and asked for it to be enlarged .
12 ‘ We have sent it back and asked for a translation . ’
13 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
14 I accepted that but , having in mind Sweden 's small population and great resources of iron and timber , thought it an untypical sort of country , and asked for another .
15 There was one occasion when he went into a café and asked for tea and then while he waited he suddenly saw a solution to a theological argument which he had with Leslie Owen the warden , and his waving of hands was so convulsive that the café refused to serve him with the tea .
16 He told them how morally indefensible was the policy of apartheid , and asked for prayer for Africa .
17 And she loved his body , the astringent unsweaty cleverness of it , that gave with delight and asked for so little back .
18 She had been lucky so far ; she had not yet been caught , not yet been dragged off to some shrink and asked for explanations .
19 The RAC removed 89 parts from the stack and asked for replacements from the spares stock .
20 Before she could add , as she was evidently about to , that she never bought anything at the door , he announced himself hurriedly and asked for her husband .
21 In Peking he contacted missionaries and asked for baptism .
22 IT WAS a full year before he made the break — but eventually , on August 21 , 1984 , he went over to one of the more independent local magazines , Cauce , and asked for its leading journalist Monica Gonzalez .
23 Mr Endara was told of the planned attack , and asked for his support , which he apparently granted , saying that he was ready to become the new leader if the US could topple the Noriega regime .
24 When at last my number came , I presented myself at the window and asked for a ticket on the 10.05 to Stockholm the next morning .
25 I went to window three and asked for a ticket to Stockholm the next morning .
26 He went to an Indian fortune-teller and asked for advice .
27 Nigel gave up all belief in things occult after that and asked for his money back .
28 In the street they stopped us and asked for our papers .
29 But if so , why had they not walked in and asked for it ?
30 What is certain is that on the bright and sunny morning of 4 June 1913 the forty-year-old Emily Davison called at the offices of the WSPU in London and asked for two of the union 's white , green and purple flags .
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