Example sentences of "[conj] see her " in BNC.

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1 I was n't put off by the fact that Jo had told me not to call or see her .
2 It must have taken her an awful lot to write those words , and they were why I felt I could go back and see her now .
3 Tonight it seemed to me that Mrs Browning had still not recovered from her fear , and I suggested that I should perhaps stay and see her into bed .
4 We 'll go round and see her .
5 Finally she said : ‘ All right , then , we 'll go and see her .
6 Can we go and see her ? ’
7 She said , ‘ Well , when do you propose to go and see her ? ’
8 I thought you might go and see her and ask her if she can help .
9 She 's Leader of the Patrol I 'm going to join when I go up to Guides , and she 's asked me to call and see her .
10 But how could I have explained my actions to Mum , having promised to turn up and see her ?
11 Kit thought that she would go and see her in that convent .
12 I was living up Redruth way and I used to go and see her as often as I could , because I sort of sensed she was n't all that happy .
13 Before going to prison he was allowed to go and see her , and she told him , ‘ I wo n't divorce you while you 're in prison . ’
14 You must come aboard and see her some time . ’
15 I promised to go and see her again on Friday morning .
16 ‘ Can I go and see her then ? ’
17 But she , Alice , had never been forbidden to go and see her .
18 After all the tubes had gone my family came to see her , before that they did n't want to come and see her .
19 So I do n't know whether you want to go and see her rather than , I could get a doctor to go and see her and phone , .
20 So I do n't know whether you want to go and see her rather than , I could get a doctor to go and see her and phone , .
21 I must go and see her . ’
22 He 'll go and see her any time of the day or night .
23 ‘ Did n't you go and see her ? ’
24 I do miss Rosa , and I am not able to go and see her because she is being looked after by my friend , Bill Purves at Clove Lodge , the next farm to Low Birk Hatt .
25 Then he would look up and see her .
26 Did you go and see her ?
27 Will you come and see her soon ?
28 In fact , looking back , I ca n't think of anyone who ever understood her , except you , and I wish you would come and see her and take her out of herself .
29 I 'll tell you later , " said Martha , who wished one of her school friends would come in and see her .
30 Well we 'll get the specialist to go in and see her and see what he makes of her , see if he can get her back on her feet .
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