Example sentences of "[conj] goes on " in BNC.

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1 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
2 That part of the package has to be right , but it 's impossible to separate it from the consultation that goes on between the customer and the supplier before the sale is clinched .
3 ‘ Partly common or garden jealousy , I think , and partly because they tend not to get involved in all the politics that goes on . ’
4 Murderous and anguished work — the thinking that goes on between the rehearsal and the deed itself .
5 And the most Anglophobe of Pound 's books is , appropriately , the one that is most full of shoptalk — though of shoptalk of a special kind , the talk of the master to his apprentices in the shop that is a workshop , the atelier where the talk that goes on is the vehicle by which an artistic tradition is transmitted , not in conceptualizing , and tendentious readings of history , but where it is concrete , in tricks of the trade and rules of thumb and words to the wise .
6 As Jeffrey Richards showed in the first of three talks on Sexuality in the Middle Ages ( Radio 3 , Monday ) , you can always get past a lack of obvious data to find out the sort of thing that goes on in bedrooms .
7 What process is it that goes on in our brains that enables us to recall people and past events ?
8 So much for the handwringing about the decline of the political process that goes on in Washington .
9 I took the mid-afternoon express to Valladolid that goes on to Salamanca .
10 If I am unfortunate enough to experience the untimely death of several people I am attached to so that it forms something of a pattern , then I am likely to experience considerable difficulty with my bereavements : there has been none of the unconscious preparation for the death of someone close that goes on in our awareness of incidents that are likely to occur .
11 The LEA acts as the landlord responsible for capital expenditure , as represented by the school building and major structural work , while the school is responsible as the tenant for everything that goes on inside .
12 But as we know that MI5 taps telephones and keeps files on people simply to pass on political information to the government , one can assume that Kinnock 's call to Turnbull is not the only piece of politicised telephone tapping that goes on .
13 The associative learning that goes on during such pre-exposure will be dependent upon the context in which training occurs , and to this extent latent inhibition will be attenuated by a change of context .
14 Yet the British Government was responsible under Clause 75 of the Government of Ireland Act for everything that goes on in Northern Ireland .
15 I wish people would just be thankful for life and knowledge , without the moaning and nit-picking that goes on , whenever the language seems wrong .
16 It is not so easy to change the playmates when they are brothers and/or sisters ( siblings ) , and many parents tell me of their concern about the seemingly incessant feuding that goes on among brothers and sisters .
17 The inhabitants inside certainly know everything that goes on on the outside of their windowpanes , however .
18 It is more difficult to understand the senseless vandalism that goes on in comparatively affluent areas .
19 It is a counterfeit of the spirit that goes on daily , you see , made worse because it has been joined by the visual counterfeit possible in television .
20 I mean , you get the lowdown on stuff that writers never get , because you 're working with these people and you get the real story — not the stuff that goes on in books and magazines .
21 Away from home taping , I think it can safely be said that no-one 's cause is helped by the bootlegging/piracy/counterfeiting trade that goes on .
22 But then I thought ‘ Driven By You … ’ and ping ! the lights went on ; I thought of it as the power struggle that goes on in relationships .
23 Venables added : ‘ It is unfair that the stigma of being a cheat was attached to Gordon and to our club in the first place , especially when you consider some of the play-acting that goes on abroad . ’
24 The difficulty with such a conclusion is that one can claim authenticity for anything that goes on in the classroom , including mechanistic pattern practice and the recital of verb paradigms , on the grounds that it may be conducive to learning ( type 3 ) and a feature of the conventional classroom situation ( type 4 ) .
25 The fiddling that goes on down there would set up an orchestra , and not one , but a couple of dozen . ’
26 Splitting ‘ But then Alison never discusses anything that goes on in the household .
27 It is in each individual 's interest to defend its place in the ‘ peck order ’ vigorously , as well as to challenge those higher up — hence the almost continual challenging that goes on in goat society .
28 There are the inevitable distilleries : an industry that goes on for ever .
29 But the kind of songs I really want to write — and I 'm not saying I will — are the kind The Frank & Walters and the Lemonheads write , the sort of people who have a genuine love for other people and can see past all the crap that goes on . ’
30 This account of how aircraft accident investigations are conducted , or should be conducted , in the field is necessarily only a brief outline of what can take place and does not include much of the work that goes on when the wreckage is examined in detail in a hangar , or in the case of AIB at their substantial facility at Farnborough .
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