Example sentences of "[conj] is necessary " in BNC.

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1 respect confidential information obtained in the course of professional practice and refrain from disclosing such information without the consent of the patient/client or a person entitled to act on his/her behalf except where disclosure is required by law or by order of a court , or is necessary in the public interest .
2 Without open debate and education , the local community can not move to the clearer understanding of the nature of child sexual abuse that is necessary for professionals to receive the help and support they need from the public .
3 However , the dissemination of this knowledge to newcomers has the additional purpose of inculcating in them the common sense that is necessary to police Easton .
4 It is communication that is necessary . ’
5 It is communication that is necessary . ’
6 This is something that is necessary for world peace and stability . ’
7 First , under section 6 , when granting a warrant , the Home Secretary must make arrangements for the purpose of securing that : ( a ) the extent to which the material is disclosed ; ( b ) the number of persons to whom the material is disclosed ; ( c ) the extent to which the material is copied ; and ( d ) the number of copies made of any material is limited in each case to the minimum that is necessary .
8 I think one of the things that is necessary is that you do need quite a strong centre within government at the moment , and , as we deal with all these complicated issues , whether they are … political or intelligence issues [ such ] as … the Falklands Isles or whether it 's something highly controversial such as nuclear power or defence or even road systems , you need a much stronger centre than we have got at the moment .
9 The acyl substituents of phospholipids provide the hydrophobic environment that is necessary for the function of intrinsic membrane proteins .
10 IN Chapter 4 we described the transition into marriage , that process of disengagement from family , friends and the single state of mind that is necessary to enable a lifelong commitment to be made to another person .
11 Although intervention by the state on a wide and varied front once saved capitalism , there is now a resistance to the state action that is necessary to ensure an economically successful and socially tranquil future .
12 Developing an information set from properly-defined critical success factors will ensure that it includes all the required key performance indicators and that they are supported by the full range of internal and external , financial and non-financial information that is necessary .
13 6.3 shall keep complete and accurate records showing all information that is necessary for the full computation and verification of the royalties payable to under this Agreement , and shall permit any authorized agent of to examine and inspect such records at all reasonable times on reasonable notice not more than one time in any calendar year .
14 The Ladder is divided into two parts : the first deals with the preparation that is necessary before the novice is ready for advanced contemplation and the second part deals with the mystical experience .
15 The perspectivalism that the sociology of knowledge proposed requires suspending a trust in reason and rationality that is necessary for everyday life and in particular for generating applied knowledge .
16 The imaginary relation between individuals and their real conditions is founded in the illusion that the ‘ recognition ’ is free ; what is obscured is the subjection to the Subject that is necessary and unavoidable .
17 Punishments , however , must not exceed the minimum that is necessary to deter — we would not , Beccaria again argues , will it otherwise in the social contract .
18 The external auditor should review the work of the internal audit staff to determine their effectiveness in assisting management to improve the quality of information that is necessary if they are to monitor satisfactorily the efficiency and effectiveness of the programmes under their charge .
19 As each component was later to be assembled into the complete working mechanism , care was taken in laying out the details in order to reduce the manipulation that is necessary at a later stage .
20 This book will provide you not only with a healthy weight-loss programme that will suit your metabolism , but also the knowledge that is necessary to help you adhere to it .
21 No , for all the realism that is necessary in the police procedural , in the end you have to fake things .
22 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
23 As early as 1707 Hugh , first Earl of Cholmondeley [ q.v. ] , was advised by a surveyor in London that the Smiths did a ‘ great deal of busness in the Contry and they have done a great deal of work thearabout & in Warwick you may easy hear of them ’ ; and when in the 1730s Sarah , Duchess of Marlborough [ q.v. ] , was building a house as far away as Wimbledon , Surrey , she stipulated that ‘ Mr. Smith of Warwickshire the Builder may be employed to make Contracts and to Measure the Work and to doe every thing in his Way that is necessary to Compleat the Work as far as the Distance he is at will give him leave to do . ’
24 What steps are reasonable in any particular case will obviously depend on the circumstances in which the policeman ( or the citizen ) finds himself , but these might include requiring trespassers to leave , requiring a speaker to move from his chosen spot , or to desist from speaking altogether , calling for quiet when noise seems likely to provoke a breach of the peace ; in short , anything that is necessary to prevent the breach from occurring .
25 Do any further regrouping that is necessary .
26 This discussion brings out the care that is necessary in specifying assumptions about incidence , and the need for an explicit rather than an implicit model .
27 She had been so deeply involved with her own emotions that she had lost the imaginative sense that is necessary if you are to see other people as independent entities , locked in their private worlds .
28 My hon. Friend 's constituency experience demonstrates clearly the higher priority now attached to reducing waiting times and the management system that is necessary to deliver that objective .
29 I note that the Labour party knows better than the Milk Marketing Board and has said that it would not help the Milk Marketing Board to get the reform that is necessary for British farmers and British consumers .
30 Unless there is a transfer of resources of the dimension that is necessary in terms of trade agreements and aid , we are not beginning to tackle the problem of economic migration , which I forecast will be the greatest problem that Europe and other parts of the world will face over the next 50 years .
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