Example sentences of "[conj] it expect " in BNC.

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1 Elonex Plc is to contract manufacturing of its personal computers to Cordata Ltd , described as a new company and not related to the Cor-data Technologies owned by Daewoo Electronics Co : this Cordata is building a £5.5m contract manufacturing plant in Cumbernauld , Scotland , where it expects to create 175 new jobs and make 100,000 personal computers a year , and Elonex will turn its North London plant over to final assembly and testing .
2 Den Bosch , Netherlands-based Tulip Computers NV reported a loss — the first in its history — of about $8m for 1992 , and said it is cutting out the dividend , but the shares improved about 8% after the company said that it expected better 1993 results — and the loss was not as bad as had been feared : analysts had seen a loss of as much as $13m .
3 So , while in 1814 the prime criticism of the idea was that it expected too much of human nature , too much of the people who were to live in the communities and of those who were to put them there , while then it was in short a social criticism , by 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense .
4 The EC stated in the final declaration that it expected to implement an offer to remove or reduce duties on tropical products " once a satisfactory balanced conclusion has been reached in the Uruguay Round " .
5 The IMF said in its April 1991 forecast that it expected the US economy to shrink by 0.1 per cent in 1991 , before making a full recovery to 2.8 per cent growth in 1992 .
6 In answer to a parliamentary question on Aug. 5 the government said that it expected its NATO allies to withdraw around 133,000 troops over the next few years , of which 75,000 would be from the USA and 25,000 from the UK .
7 It added that it expected Denmark 's gross domestic product to grow by 2.25 per cent in 1992 , up from 2 per cent in 1991 .
8 In a statement issued on March 28 the Mongolian Foreign Ministry announced that it expected Russia to abide by a March 1990 Soviet-Mongolian agreement which stipulated that all Soviet troops would withdraw from Mongolia by Aug. 30 , 1992 [ see p. 37318 ] .
9 And having long been supported by the institution he will be crucially aware that it expects a degree of loyalty verging on deference or acquiescence .
10 It will not say how many subscribers it has — only that it expects to sign up no more than a couple of dozen by the autumn .
11 Upjohn says that it expects to hear the result of the appeal towards the end of April .
12 It adds that it expects to quote eps on both a pre-exceptional and a post-extraordinary basis .
13 It has not taken IBM Corp long to admit informally that its target of 25,000 job cuts this year is on the low side , and the company now says that it expects at least 6,000 jobs to be cut at its three main operations in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York , where previously it had forecast between 3,000 and 3,500 : IBM told Reuters that the job cuts , which will likely include layoffs , will come from the company 's mainframe business in Poughkeepsie and Kingston , where at least 2,000 jobs will be cut , up from the company 's previous expectations of between 600 to 800 , and it also sees bigger staff cuts at the East Fishkill chip facility , which now expects to lose about 4,000 workers , up from about 3,000 — IBM is phasing out semiconductor operations in East Fishkill , moving some of the work to Burlington , Vermont , some to Essonnes , France ; advanced semiconductor research and packaging remains in East Fishkill ; the company says that despite the increased cuts , it believes that the charges it took in the fourth quarter will still be sufficient .
14 NEC Corp warns that it expects to plunge to a consolidated loss of $364m for the fiscal year to the end of this month , as slumps in the domestic chip and computer markets turn out even worse than feared .
15 Irvine , California-based AST Research Inc warns that it expects third quarter after-tax margins to be in the range of 3% to 4% as it follows pricing strategies intended to lead to increased unit sales while it reduces operating expenses as a percentage of sales — its strategy for pricing and market share expansion is expected to hurt its near-term earnings it said , noting that the new Premmia line , launched in the UK yesterday , is priced 10% to 20% below rival models ; it also said it was evaluating its pricing , especially in Europe .
16 Hewlett says that it expects the pact to generate around $100m of sales over three years .
17 Tucson , Arizona-based Artisoft Inc warns that it expects its results for the third quarter to March 31 to be at break-even or slightly below — it expects to increase reserves and allowances , take one-time charges , and accelerate accruals by a pre-tax total of $1.5m to $2m , and it expects third quarter revenues to be below year-ago revenues of $20.3m ; it blames a shift in the sales mix for the revenue shortfall — ‘ Given the current trend toward the LANtastic software only option , the company is cautious in its expectations over the next several quarters for recovery in revenues and earnings to the levels achieved in the first and second quarter of the fiscal year , ’ the company said — it also offers it with adaptors .
18 KnowledgeWare Inc , Atlanta warns that it expects to report non-recurring charges of $20m for its fiscal third quarter to March 31 from acquisitions and restructuring and expansion of product lines , and that this will lead to a loss for the quarter and for the year ; it also says that lower revenues combined with operating costs associated with the acquisitions are expected to contribute to a third quarter operating loss ; it looks for growth in European revenues .
19 Dallas , Texas-based NetWorth Inc warns that it expects lower than expected sales and net profit for its third quarter to March 31 — turnover will be about flat with the $4.4m of the second quarter , and profits down about breakeven ; the company blames the fact that it is converting an element of its Series 4000 products to a new Ethernet implementation and is experiencing unforeseen limitations of critical sole-source components .
20 Santa Monica , California-based Retix Inc warns that it expects net profit and turnover to be below analysts ' estimates for its first quarter ending April 3 : it expects operating results to be hurt by delays in releasing product enhancements for its RouterXchange 7000 series of routers to volume production , including support for IBM 's Token Ring network environment ; sales may be down up to 15% , and it may only break even or even worse .
21 Radius Inc warns that it expects to report a second quarter operating loss larger than its first quarter operating loss , and that second quarter revenues to March 31 will be below the $36.9m reported for the first quarter , when it lost $0.05 per share or $713,000 ; it has seen slowing demand for its Macintosh enhancement products in Europe and to a lesser extent in the US .
22 San Diego-based GTI Corp , majority owned by Telemetrix Plc , responded to a $1.50 fall in its share price to $21.75 on Friday by saying it saw no fundamental reason for it , adding that it expects to report ‘ continuing positive results ’ this quarter after four quarters of increases of 100% or more .
23 Apple Computer Inc yesterday took the new PowerCD CD-ROM product , announced at Hannover last week , to the US market , saying that it expects to sell 1.5m of the things by the end of this year ; it also said it has shipped more than 1m copies of its QuickTime multimedia software since its launch in January 1992 , and has formed a new unit , New Media to increase market access to multimedia technologies , expand multimedia content and develop new markets for Mac technology ; the PowerCD comes with AppleDesign Powered Speakers claimed to deliver high-quality sound at half the price of similar stereo speakers .
24 Making it clear that short-termism is not an affliction from which Siemens AG suffers , the company says that it expects its loss-making semiconductor division to show a profit in the 1995-96 business year , which starts October 1 1995 : it looks for sales of some $2,000m that year , compared with about $1,187m last fiscal year ; the company aims to achieve profitability via tight cost control , strategic cooperation with other companies and the moving of labour-intensive activities to south-east Asia ; the division 's workforce will be just under 12,000 in 1995-96 compared with some 13,200 at present .
25 Vienna , Virginia-based Legent Corp warns that it expects to report net profit of about $18.4m or $0.52 per share for the second quarter ended Aprch 31 , compared with the $0.44 before charges that it reported last year ; turnover will be about flat with the $102.5m a year ago : the news caused a bloodbath in the Legent share price , which slumped 16% , $6.125 , to land up at $33.25 .
26 Burlington , Massachusetts-based Bachman Information Systems Inc warns that it expects revenues for its third fiscal quarter to Aprch 31 to be below analysts ' expectations and that the operating loss for the quarter will also be greater than financial market expectations — it notes that some analysts had forecast revenues of about $10m .
27 The firm also says it is continuing to make steady progress on Iceberg , and that it expects to enter the internal beta test portion of the programme in July or August , and hopes to ship production units a year late , in the fourth quarter of this year .
28 WaveLAN is also approved for use in Switzerland , and NCR says that it expects to gain approval in France next month , with other countries following afterwards .
29 Media Computer reckons that combining audio , video and graphics onto a single board will avoid incompatibilities common in personal computers stuffed full of multimedia boards , but in addition one of its customers is building the chip-set into a personal computer motherboard and the company says that it expects to see more this as multimedia standards firm up .
30 San Jose , California-based Conner Peripherals Inc warns that it expects to report a loss from operations for the second quarter ending June 30 , adding that the expected loss reflects ongoing price competition , excess capacity and a transition in product demand to 200Mb and higher capacity drives ; a continuation of factors affecting the second quarter , as well as a seasonal slowdown in the summer , could also lead to operating losses in the third quarter , the firm said .
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