Example sentences of "[conj] a moment " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's Fergie , ’ someone said , and within seconds Charles and Diana were left staring at an empty patch of snow where a moment before dozens of photographers had been elbowing one another for the best position .
2 The sentences must have a rise and full , an ability to flow onwards with pauses for breath , like full stops , or a moment 's silence for the onlookers to assess what has just been stated and to understand its purpose and place in the design before the dance continues .
3 I could see the room beginning to spin as though I had had a dreadful shock or a moment of unbearable fear .
4 But we all know that a moment 's overload , may wreak havoc .
5 The essence of showmanship had become the capacity to build up from one 's regular audience , to bring in whole families , to attract women and children , to win over religious families who were normally against organized entertainment , to convince trade unionists and the politically active that a moment 's respite was harmless enough , and to convince the respectable and well-to-do that a visit to the movies was not a disgraceful act .
6 It is impossible to describe an organization in behaviour terms ( i.e. processes ) other than momentarily because the processes are always changing ; but when we speak of the processes we freeze that dynamic interaction for a single moment , take a picture , and know that a moment later the picture will be different .
7 And even the shrill ill-temper of the proprietor and the lackadaisical attitude of Lisa , her assistant , had no power to break through the shell that a moment 's introspection could weave round her .
8 The sword struck a boulder concealed in the heather concealed , a watcher might have considered , so artfully that a moment before it had not appeared to be there at all .
9 But he hesitated for no more than a moment before stepping inside and when the door was closed he took refuge in clowning .
10 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
11 This wo n't take more than a moment . ’
12 The Collector , his mind too feverish to recollect for more than a moment what all this activity was about , became absorbed in the contemplation of this pariah dog .
13 But his concentration was poor these days : he could hardly keep his mind on anything for more than a moment … and even when he heard what the Padre said it made no sense … " the Editor of The Times as wise as God Himself ! "
14 It was barely more than a flash impression and the man was turning and the light was n't at all good ; and besides , he pretty much resembled a pig anyway , so the effect was probably no more than a moment 's mistake .
15 He had a moment — it was more than a moment , it was minutes together — when he wanted to cup a hand around her head and for all that they were still almost in the street , open his trousers and feel her tongue lap him and her lips close on him .
16 Some struggled against her , but few held out for more than a moment or two .
17 ‘ Wish that I did have the courage to kiss you , querida , ’ he rasped , ‘ but I have standards and a level of decency to live up to and they are more important to me than a moment of weakness to prove that I am immune to you . ’
18 A small painting of his provided a moment of calm reflection among those of his more raucous colleagues in Alana Heiss ' ‘ Slow Painting ’ show last summer at P.S.I .
19 Erika was ready for a treat and a moment later , surrounded by a forest of plants which gave the café an Amazonian aspect , they were seated and ordering coffee and cakes .
20 Over the top , I hear you say , and so it is — splendidly over the top and a moment that will remind you , adrift in the endless hours of pseudo-realism , that the screen does after all have transformative powers .
21 She was too late however , as he was already at the door and a moment later , without a further word , he was gone .
22 ‘ A tār horn , ’ he said , and a moment later added , ‘ that 's how the hunters carry their gunpowder : fill it up , stuff the top with a birch-bark bung and tie it to their rifle straps . ’
23 When you later screen a second replay on your colour television , it 's likely that you will be even more pleased with your efforts : the colours , the movement , the thrill of seeing and hearing the sights and sounds of the place where you live and of the people who live there ; it 's all magic , and a moment to be savoured .
24 It bounced away and he chased it , and a moment later he bumped into the dark , smelly shape of a tramp .
25 Nicky was half aware of the Mercedes that approached them , and a moment later he screeched his warning to Lou , watching frozen , and horrified , as the great car drove up onto the pavement and bore down upon them .
26 He dived under the fence and a moment later the ducks began waddling through the tunnel and into the garden .
27 Robins duly promised , and a moment later we were on our way in Mollie 's Ford 8 .
28 And a moment later any extraneous thoughts were driven from his mind — for he saw his first alien prisoner : a mottled green froglike biped of lustrous hue , being frogmarched in chains .
29 After reversing one move his feet slipped , followed rapidly by his hands , and a moment later he landed on top of me with a crash of flailing limbs and a clatter of runners .
30 She said nothing and a moment or two of silence fell on them like one of the Moor 's deadly mists .
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