Example sentences of "[conj] the others " in BNC.

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1 Letters and I are enemies but never think that I forget you or the others .
2 Perhaps he was with the group by the lake , or the others under the trees , or others still farther away on the terrace of the house .
3 This journey , which seems to involve a plan to deal in drugs , takes the three to a ghost town where the others become separated from Lockett .
4 Cooper was pleased by the move because he badly wanted to find out where the others stood in the affair .
5 Although it would have been interesting to have known which were Dr. Blair 's books and where the others came from , the important point is to realise what a very wide range of reading was available to the small number of people in this village .
6 We 'll go to … where the others are .
7 A sociology of the unconscious would not only point out the unintended consequences of social action , where these are grasped and comprehended in terms of conscious intentions which are then misunderstood , or reinterpreted , by other groups within the social relationships , and which result in outcomes which neither the original intender nor the others could have foreseen .
8 After that it was supposed that the others would merge with them .
9 She did not believe that it was going to change the world or that every minute detail was worth the drama and emotionalism that the others seemed to want to pour into it .
10 The snow is much worse as I finally move out , and the only consolation for the time it has taken is being alone , and arriving late so that the others have already begun on the tent and wood collecting .
11 The home team were without Richards but fielded a young man named Everton Mattis who , on representative debut , accomplished a rare feat : his 62 was more than all the other batsmen put together and , since Haynes got 34 , it will be seen that the others had a collective off-day par excellence .
12 It seems possible that people located hostility in groups because they knew that the others , their opponents , would expect reprisals from any members of the group they opposed .
13 Running off with Jonathan 's pen might sound like a good joke but , as you probably noticed , it is n't Gowie that the others come and help , but Jonathan .
14 This does n't mean that the others had no ‘ powers ’ , that they seemed to do little for me may have been my own lack of receptivity .
15 She spoke softly , directing her remarks exclusively at Karelius and Moreau , so that the others were obliged to strain their ears .
16 Conscious of her troubled state of mind , Delaney gave her a quick , comforting smile , embarrassed that the others might instantly pick up any nuance of their changed relationship .
17 She was much more ambitious that the others
18 Maybe it was because he was close to God that the others respected him .
19 She whooped with laughter , so infectious that the others had to Join in .
20 The expectation is that the others — presumably definable as ‘ non-managers ’ — will follow .
21 Sometimes time has decreed that certain books or pamphlets are of much greater importance that the others and some booksellers have an objectionable habit of dismembering the volumes and pricing the ‘ disbound ’ portions separately , to their financial advantage .
22 The driver led the way , turning around periodically to check that the others were with him .
23 They went back — except for Pardy who came forward — or was it that the others went back and he was left alone in a forward position ?
24 The only signal that the others were there at all was the dropping jaw of Brough Scott .
25 Then each one of them could n't help noticing that the others seemed to be walking faster and faster .
26 The skill lay in selecting them , so that the others would find it hard to guess the date and what they referred to .
27 ‘ Look , ’ he said quietly so that the others in the carriage would not wake .
28 Only 92 men at arms and 2 priests began the route-march , for Balboa was a prudent organizer , keenly interested in security , and he insisted that the others from Santa Maria remained at the base camp , denying them their expected encounter with immortality .
29 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
30 The report claims the company is ‘ clearly the vendor that the others respect most ’ .
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