Example sentences of "[conj] commitment to " in BNC.

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1 It would be possible to dismiss the Plus Programme as merely an expression of a different style , without substance or commitment to institutional change .
2 Assuming the job was cost effective on the basis of the original programme , any delay or commitment to extra work in the surveyor 's office could lead to the erosion of the job profit unless a significant increase in the fee datum occurs , i.e. the final account exceeds the contract sum .
3 Generally , the small Wealden farmers seem to have had little incentive or commitment to improvement .
4 The Rev David Neil , the Union 's Mission Field worker stressed the need for churches to have a mission strategy or commitment to training or a willingness to reach out and become involved in their communities .
5 Risk factors specific to the individual such as work ethic or commitment to the organisation need to be considered .
6 If we have no evidence or proof of a ‘ real ’ distinction of myth from history , as opposed to an ideological claim or commitment to it , either in society as a whole , or amongst the community of scholars or even , it now appears , in the exalted ranks of classical Greek historians and political theorists , then to ask whether literacy , however defined , is a cause of such a distinction becomes fruitless .
7 The employees modify their expectations ; some of the trust between them has gone and with it , as Goffee noted , loyalty or commitment to the organization is reduced .
8 Thus it is important for them that commitments to work , once they are given , are honoured .
9 In fact , in rural areas today , the Orange hall has frequently been the only place where protestants of all shades have met to renew their belief and commitment to Ulster protestant loyalism ( Harris 1972 : 162–5 ) .
10 It did a particularly good job of informing people about the issues — especially if they were tabloid press readers , who could get relatively little information from the press ; and it made electors feel more warmth and commitment to the party system and party leaders generally .
11 A double Oxford blue for boxing and rowing , he soon became known for his enthusiasm and commitment to sport , usually a backwater post .
12 Frank Salter , the District Treasurer from 1918 , believed that financial appeals for new income in a sparsely populated region with a low wage economy and high unemployment , was an insuperable task and in 1931 he was succeeded by Lionel Elvin , Fellow of Trinity Hall , as the District 's honorary treasurer , and who brought much vigour and commitment to resolving the perennial financial problem .
13 At the same time , and recognising the importance of building an active membership , Jacques sought to increase the number of branches which had vigour , enthusiasm and commitment to the WEA .
14 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
15 To provide Millennium bursaries for young people ( and newly retired people ) offering their time , energy and commitment to schemes designed to change the face of the United Kingdom by the year 2000 .
16 The surge of expansion and commitment to equality ( in some of its many forms ) which underlay this conviction sat uncomfortably with notions of selection at eleven-plus , but reinforced the rising demand for a huge expansion of higher education .
17 So the whole language of meditation , prayer , praise , contemplation and the love of God is interlocked with our emotions and commitment to God .
18 Time after time , reports quote teachers as experiencing stress arising from a lack of consultation and the consequent feeling of being ‘ undervalued ’ and lacking in self-esteem , confidence and commitment to the work of the school .
19 Many of the needs described above require the involvement of a school staff who have an understanding of and commitment to the benefits of linking with the world beyond school .
20 Selection for the GEP is competitive and based on the potential viability of your business idea , your personal attributes and commitment to self employment .
21 Sawallisch 's identification with and commitment to the music of Orff is evident from the opening bars .
22 Library training co-operatives can undertake to fulfil , at little direct cost , many of the objectives currently fulfilled by external courses — for example , offering staff the chance to meet and exchange views with staff working for other authorities or in different types of libraries ; encouraging professional awareness and commitment to professional values — two of the indirect objectives that are sometimes thought of as the ‘ real ’ value of external course attendance .
23 The solution for this is to get together again soon and reaffirm love and commitment to one another .
24 Inevitably , the Church of England will sooner or later announce officially that it is acceptable to express love and commitment to another woman or another man in a sexual relationship .
25 In the past we have also been able to show off our own fairytale Princess — the Americans worshipped Diana for her beauty and commitment to motherhood .
26 Congregational questionnaires can be very threatening to the individual and should be used only in churches where there is a high degree of cohesion and commitment to agreed goals .
27 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
28 They demonstrate that no heights are unobtainable by British Industry if it is willing to apply its enterprise and commitment to excellence .
29 Poidevin has announced he is unable to devote the same time and commitment to the game this year because of his business pressures with a Sydney stockbroking firm .
30 As we have seen , ardent friendship and commitment to the monastic life were the most frequently intertwining subjects of his years at Bec .
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