Example sentences of "[conj] thank you " in BNC.

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1 And you never say please or thank you , either .
2 He really did all sorts of things to help us , and we never said please or thank you and now he 's dead . ’
3 Please or thank you , or complimenting someone on their effort , does n't seem to come naturally to many managers or supervisors .
4 Please or thank you , or complimenting someone on their effort , does n't seem to come naturally to many managers or supervisors
5 So we accept that Thank you very much and I 'm grateful to you , I 'm sorry I 've gone but it was that general question rightly raised by
6 It happened to me when I was sort of looking at some sort of electronic engineering that I was n't supposed to be doing I was just looking at it for interest like Well I 'd like to have the time to spend on that but I 'll leave that thank you very much .
7 ‘ I came to say goodbye and to thank you for all you 've done . ’
8 ‘ I came to apologise for hitting you , ’ she began determinedly , ‘ and to thank you for the cheque . ’
9 ‘ Oh , no , I was only teasing , and I really only came in to tell you that I 'm leaving tomorrow , and to thank you for being so kind , and — well , to say goodbye .
10 ‘ But I wanted to come and thank you properly for all that you have done . ’
11 ‘ I have always been one for good manners , I like people to say please and thank you , ’ says Marjorie Gedge .
12 ‘ I thought I should drive over and thank you personally . ’
13 ‘ I feel I should write and thank you for the smooth transition and vast improvement to the standard of cleaning at our premises .
14 At the last meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I was asked to write and thank you for all the hard work you have put in to make the centre of Scorton look so nice .
15 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to write and thank you for allowing the seat from Snowhill to be kept on your property after it had been removed from its base .
16 I did n't have to say please and thank you for my milk cos I pour straight on my dinner , did n't I ?
17 ‘ I hope things go well for all of you , ’ I added ( with uncharacteristic generosity ) , ‘ and thank you for the present .
18 And thank you .
19 And thank you .
20 And thank you again , Sergeant , ’ Herr Nordern said , as Marx stood up , spilling cigar ash over himself and the carpet .
21 The England selectors , having said goodbye and thank you to Illingworth , had appointed Denness captain , and he immediately came good with a steady 66 to hold the innings together .
22 Saying please and thank you ?
23 And thank you for this . ’
24 And thank you , Barbara . ’
25 Goodbye , my dear , and thank you again .
26 Thank you for the bouquet of flowers sent to me on behalf of all our local branch AND Thank you for my other flowers later , ‘ when maybe I needed them even more ! ’
27 And thank you for being so helpful , officer … ’
28 Thank you for your letter and thank you for letting us see your nine-volume Complete History of Wimbledon .
29 ‘ Goodbye ; and thank you again . ’
30 And … and thank you very much for … for accompanying me . ’
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