Example sentences of "[conj] avoid any " in BNC.

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1 The drafter may wish stipulations not to be " of the essence " , or to avoid any possible dispute about the consequences of a failure to perform .
2 It was a tradition that avoided any real contemplation of the root causes of German unease ; their preference for ‘ action ’ , rested secure in the knowledge that everything they did was for the good of the nation , sanctioned by law and sanctioned by the German people .
3 It is a fairly uncomplicated system that avoids any conflicts about objectives and the methods of achieving them , particularly when budget preparation follows a tight timetable .
4 It is thus crucial to choose a common reference position that avoids any initial bias in potential difference between each of the hemisphere leads and the common reference .
5 The one area of Conservative history which has flourished is political biography , but the danger of this is a tendency to reduce the history of the Conservative Party to a history of personalities and to avoid any analysis of Conservatism in terms of structures , interests and ideas .
6 Britain drew different conclusions — to continue its imperial withdrawal and to avoid any repetition of the UK-USA conflict of 1956 .
7 Yet at the same time the question of who was in charge had to be addressed , in the interests of effective planning and action , and to avoid any later confusion .
8 No one at the university was to know of his DIA connection , and to avoid any written record that might compromise his cover , Donleavy arranged for him to be paid during this period with American Express money orders drawn at 7–11 stores around Falls Church , Virginia .
9 Rats received a 1 ml saline bolus through the duodenal line every 30 minutes for two hours to achieve full equilibration and to avoid any effects of laparotomy .
10 They should then be plugged into their holders , handling them no more than is really necessary , and avoiding any obvious sources of static electricity .
11 We take them out at about six months to get them used to travelling on buses and trains , as well as teaching them to stop at kerbs , listening for traffic and avoiding any obstacles .
12 Make sure the ones you buy do n't cause drowsiness and avoid any combination drugs .
13 In times of exchange rate volatility , such as we have been experiencing for the past few years , most overseas buyers will want to be invoiced in their own currency and avoid any exchange risk .
14 Above all , make sure you are getting enough protein , vitamins and minerals , and avoid any drastic changes in your diet .
15 Windley was anxious to avoid any misunderstanding as to the purpose of the camp ; the main things , he emphasized , were to be flexible and ‘ to treat the Moran with the greatest good humour and avoid any suspicion of it being a labour camp .
16 This way , it is possible to make a sort of controlled flop and avoid any damage to kite or third party ( see page 164 ) .
17 For example , if you bought some apples from a market stall and they were mostly bad and you already had a few apples at home and if , say , your bus had arrived , it might be perfectly legitimate to do absolutely nothing about the situation and avoid any discussion about it .
18 As Professor Wedderburn has observed , the result of this decision could be that where an association of employers is fighting off a trade union , it may be able to ‘ keep its smaller members in the front line and avoid any of its bigger members being parties to the dispute ’ .
19 Think of this shoulder turn as exactly that , and avoid any idea of a tilting action .
20 The People 's Daily , the Communist party organ , published news of his death nearly two weeks late but avoided any harsh commentary .
21 Movement is always hard to assess at this age , but avoid any puppy who moves erratically or is obviously lame !
22 You can brush where the skin is healthy , but avoid any areas where you have bad varicose veins .
23 There may be the most practical methods of purchase for people in remote rural areas , but avoid any mail order or catalogue offer unless there is a free home trial period or bona fide money-back guarantee .
24 Would it not be preferable , therefore , if the Government , while avoiding any expression of opinion on the merits , advised Parliament that this was not an opportune moment at which to make this important change in the law ?
25 So as to avoid any political consideration of policies , the auditor 's brief is to monitor and report upon agencies ' and departments ' approaches for monitoring and reviewing their own effectiveness .
26 These people may of course want to keep their knowledge secret so as to avoid any involvement in criminal proceedings , which is not helpful to creditors and to credit managers wanting to know what is to be salvaged from the wreck .
27 He was then to return home at once via Montreal , using his Thomas Leavy identity on re-entering the United States so as to avoid any tell-tale entry stamp in his passport .
28 For example , persons should be held in such a way as to avoid any interference with breathing or blood circulation , or contact with sexual areas ; if possible they should be held down on soft surfaces such as a bed , chair etc .
29 He had taken the precaution of oiling its mechanism along with the door hinges earlier that day , so as to avoid any noise that would alert the occupant of the room .
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