Example sentences of "[conj] make clear " in BNC.

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1 You select the facts that are telling ( pun intended ) , the facts that will advance your story or make clear your characters or even make your locations easy to assimilate , and you hope that from them you can produce something that is not too far distant from the unwritable reality .
2 One important point has not been reported or made clear .
3 Although making clear it preferred Mr Major to Mr Kinnock , it concluded by giving its backing — just — to a vote for the Labour Party .
4 After revolution had begun in Europe , Nicholas was less determined to send his troops abroad than to make clear that he would brook no dissent at home .
5 If she bears a female child , this period of impurity is doubled to two weeks , plus sixty-six days , a ruling that makes clear that femaleness per se is a source of uncleanliness .
6 Name your people and make clear to yourself how they are connected .
7 Clarify a definite beginning and end for the task , and make clear how the effectiveness of the decision will be assessed .
8 The four volumes elucidate problems of dating , structure and interpretation in Atget 's work and make clear the centrality of his achievement to many of the later concerns of photographic artists .
9 Consequently managers must be involved with plans of change in medical activity and make clear their accountability for the standard of nursing care .
10 Well some people have been talking about five to seven years , I 've been saying all the way through that we 're very flexible on this , and clearly if erm a bidder whether it 's a management buy out with other people in the bid , others in the consortium , or an outright bid from a private sector consortium er if if they get the franchise and make clear that that 's on the basis that they 're going to put a lot of money into the capital investment , then clearly they will want a longer period and we have made that clear .
11 Before we look at sociological research and theory on crime , it is necessary to define and make clear what our subject matter is .
12 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
13 Sinai established , or was designed to establish , the mutual relationship between them and their God , and made clear its demands .
14 MRS THATCHER went to the American heartlands yesterday and made clear when questioned by university students that she viewed with alarm the idea of Britain under a coalition government .
15 The final report emphasised support for the principle of collective responsibility of all directors for the governance of the company , and in particular extended the recommendation that there should be a procedure by which non-executives might obtain independent external professional advice to all directors , and made clear all directors should have the right to attend audit committee meetings .
16 It marked a vital staging post on Constance 's path to independence and made clear to Nora that she was no longer dealing with a child .
17 My hon. Friend demonstrated his close knowledge of the service in Croydon and made clear his commitment , and that of his hon. and right hon. Friends who represent Croydon constituencies , to the provision of a diverse and consistently high-quality service .
18 Vladimir on the behalf of CAYA for coming to speak to us , and making clearer such a complex subject .
19 Is he not conceding and making clear something that was always true : the 2.5 per cent .
20 With such questions , a major task lies in unpacking the word-play , and making clear the distinctions you are drawing from the formulation of the question .
21 Table 3.1 below shows the ratio of females to males convicted for certain crimes and makes clear the male domination of criminality .
22 This avoids any approach being viewed as parochial and makes clear that the views expressed have equal force throughout the EC .
23 The exception is important as it avoids having to repeat descriptions on the plant schedule and makes clear what we are covering and what is not covered .
24 Amendment No. 55 is consequential and makes clear that in calculating the 12-year limit on membership of a board of management no account is taken of any previous service on a college council .
25 In constructing our programmes of study we have tried to avoid overlap and to make clear what we consider to be associated with which attainment targets , but some points will inevitably appear more than once .
26 And to make clear that it is ready to unleash an Interbase onslaught , Borland appointed directors of Interbase operations in the UK for Northern and Germany for Southern and Eastern Europe , and one back home in Scotts Valley for the Pacific Rim .
27 It also implies the need to harmonize UK and EC competition policies , and to make clear the division of labour between them : this will almost certainly imply a greater role for EC policy , and a diminution of the authority of UK policy and institutions .
28 It left open the question of whose money had paid for the House of Fraser but made clear that nothing in the career of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed could account for such new-found wealth .
29 He tried to persuade editors of journals to back the government , but made clear that he would prosecute them if they refused .
30 If you really like the place , make an offer — but make clear that it 's only ‘ subject to survey and contract ’ .
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