Example sentences of "[conj] can see " in BNC.

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1 Is he a good or potentially good speller ( that is , only rarely makes mistakes , or can see afterwards that misspellings are wrong ) ?
2 One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the degree of convergence between models of visual function built up by computer scientists trying to figure out how to build machines that can see and physiologists trying to work out what different parts of the visual system do .
3 Environmentalists fear that the arrival in Guyana of Barama Ltd — a partnership between Samling Timbers of Malaysia and Sunkyong Ltd of South Korea — may herald a new era of expansion by companies that can see the approaching end of their domestic lumber supply .
4 For Frith has given the fox and the weasel cunning hearts and sharp teeth and to the cat he has given silent feet and eyes that can see in the dark and they are gone away from Frith 's place to kill and devour all that belongs to El-ahrairah . "
5 ‘ You 've eyes that can see such things , Ruthie .
6 However I was amazed by the quality of the exhibition as a whole , and can see that marquetarians are continuing to produce work of the highest standard .
7 I particularly try and develop an atmosphere of autonomy in the subsidiary companies where they feel they are part of a team and can look across at the other companies and can see admirable things going on .
8 Saturday was not a suitable day as it is the only day that teachers can go shopping and can see to other family matters .
9 Fear has many eyes , and can see things underground .
10 He knows there 's a door and he has daylight and can see the river through the metal curtain .
11 There are only about one hundred different kinds of atoms in the Universe , each kind known as an element ; and we know that this is the case because we know the fundamental laws of chemistry that determine the structure of atoms , and can see that only a certain number of structures are theoretically possible .
12 To this latter suggestion , the homosexual can simply reply that he wants his relationship to be a marriage and nothing short of this , and can see no reason to justify the denial of his request .
13 Show empathy by saying you understand how the other person feels and can see things from their point of view
14 As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it .
15 Wilson is a typical FI fanatic , an enthusiast who is excited , vicariously , by the sport and can see no wrong in any aspect of it .
16 But the kind of songs I really want to write — and I 'm not saying I will — are the kind The Frank & Walters and the Lemonheads write , the sort of people who have a genuine love for other people and can see past all the crap that goes on . ’
17 My relationship with my kids is fine — my eldest daughter saw us fighting and can see we 're both better off living apart .
18 Where is the place that you move into the landscape and can see yourself ?
19 On the other hand the man is five or six feet above the hillside and can see all round .
20 One sees on such maps the new landscape actually in course of being planned , and can see how completely it was drawn afresh , regardless of almost everything that had gone before .
21 ‘ My uncle Reed is now in heaven , and can see all you think and do , and so can my parents .
22 Visitors can wander at will through the tun room , the malt barn and the still house , and can see the fine collection of traditional tools of the trade and the whisky maturing in the casks .
23 The atmosphere which is evoked in the reading of the poem is one of hopelessness , of resignation , of dark depression and sadness alleviated only by the concluding couplet through which we understand that although oncoming death seems to ‘ take away ’ everything from him , his beloved still remains and can see the glimmers of life through desolation .
24 They have access to the villages that have been bombed and can see that civilian targets have been hit by Turkish air force planes that are bombing northern Iraq .
25 In theory , each phase of schooling can see at a glance what is to be built upon it — and can see the size of that future building .
26 The trainee feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft , and can see the view from the cockpit just as if ( s ) he were actually approaching the runway at a particular airport .
27 Most lay witnesses will expect this in any event and can see why they are necessary , if only to facilitate time off work and the payment of expenses .
28 lost something and I ca n't , I ca n't find it and I 'm looking and I 'm , and ee , and er , a bit of a noise or anything I 'm looking backwards is coming and then I realize he 's not there any more to come and then other days I just feel like I 'm dangling in the air and can see the , the ground and I ca n't touch it with my feet , just somewhere right , right out , it 's not real , not real you know and then you go , you get back to with a bump and know that it 's real and then it just feels left , nothing else , you ca n't help yourself in any other way .
29 Now they can only represent the area that the observer stands in and can see around him , and erm this leaves many gaps over the surface of the earth where we can not really be sure of what the weather 's doing .
30 As in ‘ An Essay on Woman ’ , Leapor raises her protest but can see no escape from her situation .
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