Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] necessarily " in BNC.

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1 Or not necessarily in that order .
2 Spatial and temporal relations in a subjective " phenomenologioal " context , as we saw earlier , can be interpreted in terms of certain internal characteristics of the percipient " s own experience and are not indicative , or not necessarily , of an external objective order of things .
3 But nevertheless , you may have different ways of getting from A to B but those different routes may in actual fact give a different set of benefits or perform different functions or not necessarily meet all the needs as you 're setting out to meet .
4 The answer is nor not necessarily so .
5 The following questions arise , although not necessarily in this order .
6 The world of secondary schools was one from which I had been absent for eight years and it had in the mean time greatly expanded , so that the new secondary modern schools now occupied most — although not necessarily the most strategically important — territory .
7 Babies do not enter this world suffering from anxiety ; it is a condition which is imposed upon them by other people — although not necessarily intentionally .
8 All three are caught from the same swims , although not necessarily at the same time , and in every case there are two-tone specimens .
9 Most felt that patient services had , if anything , declined under general management — although not necessarily because of general management .
10 Not only have we been successful in raising the level of understanding of AI , expert systems in particular , but we have also now got several people within the Branch who have practical knowledge of applying the techniques ; although not necessarily active in the field at the moment , this expertise must pay dividends in the future .
11 As already in the UK , it will render unlawful ( although not necessarily in terms of criminal law : the penalties may only be civil but must be sufficiently dissuasive ) the misuse or improper disclosure of unpublished price-sensitive information , either by insiders or by those who obtain the information from them .
12 The Reporter , although not necessarily a lawyer , must ensure that the Hearings stay within the legal framework .
13 The young man 's disillusionment when it comes confirms , not only the observer 's prediction , but the superiority of his evaluation over the young man 's , although not necessarily its correctness .
14 First , in North America at least , there is a growing awareness of corporate crime , although not necessarily the extent of it .
15 Much of his criticism does look back , although not necessarily in a particularly informed way : ‘ Realism historically has always been mainly the mode for reaching the vulgar , the great lump of people …
16 In a country such as Sweden where most manual workers ( although not necessarily white-collar employees ) are organised in industrial unions this seems to be partly a reflection of prior employer organisation on an industry-wide basis ( see Chapter 3 ) .
17 Skill is demonstrated by persistent and efficient pursuit of an objective and the skill can usually be understood although not necessarily written down with any great precision in terms of a goal and the path towards that goal .
18 This meant that a man 's estate was increasingly likely to be divided between his wife ( if she survived him ) and his children , although not necessarily in equal measure .
19 If b 1.8 , a 2x2 or larger cluster of D will continue to grow at the corners ( although not necessarily along the edges , for large squares ) ; for b 1.8 , big D clusters shrink .
20 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
21 The task , then , was to supplement the existing system of elementary education and an extraordinary range of schemes were proposed ( although not necessarily implemented ) for gymnasia and football pitches , Continuation Schools and night classes , schemes of physical training and drill , fresh air funds and camping holidays , and all manner of initiatives within the boy 's club movement from Bible classes to boxing clubs .
22 The model fits variations in US fertility trends reasonably well , although not necessarily much better than conventional economic variables ( D. P. Smith 1981 ) .
23 In these Articles injured States comprise those in a defined bilateral relationship ; those in a defined third party relationship ; those who share a formal relationship with the wrong-doer State , although not necessarily factually injured by the breach ; and those indirectly injured because their only injury is as a member of the international community .
24 By convention these will all be members of Parliament although not necessarily from the House of Commons .
25 ( d ) There are practical situations as well as practical activities : situations such as those in everyday life which may involve mathematical skills , although not necessarily using concrete apparatus .
26 Although not necessarily in the current economic climate .
27 The final stage involves achievement of the region as an established part of a regional system and regional consciousness , when it has ‘ an established , although not necessarily administrative , status in the spatial structure of the society and its social consciousness ’ ( p. 130 ) .
28 Actually , the emerging evidence suggested that , once social class differences were taken into account , the performance of ‘ Asian ’ , ‘ West Indian ’ and ‘ Other ’ students was more nearly comparable ( although not necessarily identical ) ( Reeves and Chevannes , 1981 ; Roberts et al. ,
29 The interests of the children , although not necessarily the paramount consideration , must , in my opinion , always be taken into account and will always be important .
30 This implies that mispricings ( although not necessarily arbitrage opportunities ) tended to persist for over 20 minutes .
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