Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] himself " in BNC.

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1 By a notice of appeal dated 24 December 1991 the local authority appealed with leave of the judge on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law or misdirected himself as to the criteria to be applied to the decision whether leave should be granted in respect of an application by a former foster parent ; ( 2 ) the judge should have applied the test whether ( a ) there were quite exceptional circumstances disclosed necessitating the ousting of the local authority and the consequent discharge of the care order , and ( b ) there was a real likelihood that the applicant could persuade the court to adopt that course and ( c ) such a course was in the interests of the children ; ( 3 ) alternatively , if the judge had adopted the correct test , his exercise of his discretion had been plainly wrong in that he had failed to give any or sufficient weight to ( a ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation , ( b ) the fact that if residence orders were made the care order would be discharged , ( c ) the shared responsibility between the foster mother and the mother resulting from section 12(2) of the Act of 1989 , ( d ) the fact that the foster mother 's proper remedy was her application for judicial review , and ( e ) the wishes of the children and the mother .
2 Morris did n't seem lonely or isolated himself , but a hard shell was usually a sign of vulnerability underneath .
3 Satan lies to his followers and has convinced us too of his mighty strength and even starts to believe in his own lies when he claims he was ‘ self-begot ’ , caused by Fate , or he sprang from the ground or willed himself into existence , an absurd contradiction in terms .
4 For it turned out that Pound 's poetry — The Cantos certainly but much of the earlier work also — could be understood and enjoyed only by those who had attended to Pound s criticism enough to grasp what it was that Pound was trying to do , or conceived himself to be doing , in his poetry .
5 Simon was convinced , or persuaded himself , that he 'd been ill used by Constanza , that their marriage had been a mistake , a youthful mistake , the kind of thing one did in a war .
6 He could win his place back or put himself on the market . ’
7 And all of the family starting to watch the boy more closely as he sailed or forced himself through one limit after the other — a talent , it was beginning to seem , in every pocket .
8 Or set himself on fire like a Buddhist monk , but accidentally .
9 Each story contains a different claim by Jesus that set himself against the religious leaders and pointed to the new way of Christianity :
10 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal , and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government .
11 Love voted for exclusion and concerned himself with related topics .
12 He laid the picture down and seated himself before the table .
13 When Galvone leapt aboard and seated himself beside his chief Hauser made his unsettling comment before they started up the rotors .
14 ‘ Piano , Aaron , piano ! ’ she called , and her middle stepson , with his mobile thin white clown 's face , emerged from the crowd and seated himself at the instrument , as Liz called to Deirdre and the butlers to fill glasses and then join the guests for a toast : Jonathan turned on the radio , the eagle-crowned clock over the marble mantelshelf struck , some joined hands and some did not , Aaron struck up Auld Lang Syne , Big Ben struck , some sang and some did not , voices rose straggling , pure and impure , strong and weak , tuneful and tuneless , there were cries and embraces .
15 He circled the large mahogany desk and seated himself .
16 The other Rex placed Barry on the table and seated himself .
17 So Rémy set out to explore the situation , and laid himself out to please , and his gifts and graces , when he tried , were considerable .
18 He used wholemeal flour to make bread , scones , pies and cakes , concocted elaborate salads and dosed himself with vitamins .
19 He sat down and plunged himself into his work .
20 He 'd locked himself in their room and drunk himself insensible .
21 She stood quite still not knowing what to do and after a moment he pulled away , reached into his pocket for a handkerchief and wiped himself , his hand and hers .
22 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
23 And then he wondered who she was in love with in London , to have kept a watch on another time ; and asked himself why in Christ she had come with him , in that case ; and at the same moment reflected about some plays , for he truly liked the theatre .
24 And asked himself how she came by it .
25 Within minutes father returned home , lifted the new-born baby in his arms , and redeemed himself somewhat by pronouncing , " I dedicate this child to the glory of God and the salvation of the world . "
26 He came back to England and went on drinking champagne alone , and nerved himself to do a TV series without Fred .
27 He had built a lean-to greenhouse on the back of the scullery and prided himself on his chrysanthemums and gladioli .
28 He drove his Volvo to a beauty spot last month , drank most of a bottle of whisky and gassed himself with fumes from the car 's exhaust .
29 Joe had climbed up over the side of the nearest and lowered himself in , rubbish sliding unsteadily beneath him , and then he 'd found his balance and hunkered down and started to sift .
30 Larsen then passed the window pane down to Grant , and lowered himself through in turn .
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